listen im a young buck lets just say that (still in highschool) and so is she, we went on a date yesturday and it went well a bit awkward at first but pretty well. idk how to start giving her signs that im interested instead of just wanting to be friends, whats the next step?

  1. Next step is you continue taking her out and the more comfortable she gets with you the more you start initiating physical touch. Or you can do my personal favorite which is just being straight forward and telling her that you see her as someone you want to move forward past the friendship phase. I would wait till maybe like the 4th or fifth date to say this considering that you both keep the communication consistent. You can say it sooner based on how much she shows you she’s interested but personally you want to give it time to avoid anything coming off as pushy. It has to feel like it’s just happening and when you feel at the point that it’s naturally proceeding, you seal the deal with words.

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