I never see this happening and feel like all the women I’m into are out of my league. :l just wondering if there’s any guys in here who still have luck dating or hooking up with conventionally attractive women despite not having these things?

  1. Yes, but you need to overcompensate in other areas in order to stand out

    Study charisma, read about body language and flirting, upgrade your wardrobe, and practice having more exciting conversations with everyone in your life, not just attractive women

    If you can play a musical instrument, dance, or have some intriguing creative hobby or skill, then that can help, too. Getting more muscular can make you more enticing as well.

  2. From a woman’s side of view, yes, of course they can!! But they have to make up for it in other ways, such as interesting personality, great sense of style or being charismatic in general. I’d much, much rather fall for a guy who is not conventionally attractive but dresses up well and is intelligent than someone who is attractive and dull

  3. I’m not sure I get it, I’m just asking honestly, but do you think that girls are only attracted to guys with money?

    Personally, I appreciate it when a guy has charisma personality patients kindness maybe some humor. Not everybody has like the opportunity to have a great job or outstanding education or make a lot of money. In the long run, I think the most important thing is just kindness and it generally nice person.

    Sorry, maybe I just missed what you’re really asking about in the post.

  4. Well it depends. Do you mean attractive to you or attractive to others? Also why do you assume that attraction is limited to only physical attributes? Do you want an attractive woman to boost your ego, gratify your sexual urges or appease your asthetic tastes? However the main question I have is if you consider yourself average looking or overweight why do you assume that you shouldn’t try dating a woman who is herself average or overweight?

  5. In my experience it’s significantly more common for women to date men that are less attractive than them vs the other way around. As a broad general stroke (ie, not everyone is like this), men seem to care more about looks and women seem to care more about personality/humour.

    Don’t go after the women who only care about your salary or material possessions anyway.

    If at the end of the day you want a model and you don’t have anything to bring to the table that a woman with options would want (including personality), then ask yourself why that kind of girl SHOULD want you.

  6. I did. I’m completely broke. I am overweight and average looking. She stuck with me for a decade.

    We had sex by pure chance as a room mixup (more or less) meant we had to share a bed and we just figured why not.
    That’s what did it though.

    I’m not average below the belt and that’s what made her stick around to be honest.

    Most people hate that answer. It’s the truth and she made it clear this was the reason sometimes not very nicely to be honest. It was kind of toxic.

    Honestly, I’m happier single tbh as great as her body was.

  7. I also feel like anyone physically in shape is out of my league because those women always reject me.

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