Preface: I m18 have been texting a cool girl 18f I met at college orientation. Im hoping for us to be friends because I don’t know anyone on campus. We text sporadically and do have long conversation, sometimes I do have to double text but she always gets back to me with meaningful and deep messages not just a quick response. My dilemma is that on Saturday afternoon we were texting about college stuff and I asked her if the next time we see eachother if she would be down to get something to eat afterwards. She hasn’t responded in about a day and I’m worried she thinks that I asked her out. I’ll give some more time for her to respond but I think I want to double text. But what should I double text should I mention me asking to hangout or say something completely different maybe say “the anticipation is killing me lol” I’m not really sure and need some help. And just a reminder I’m just trying to be friends no relationship!!!

  1. I think general advice always is to not double text.

    Side note, you’ll always find someone to hangout with in college. Just go to class and eventually you’ll find yourself talking to someone, then maybe go study together, then maybe go get food, repeat etc….it’s scary at first, but you’ll be put into situations where you see the same people in classes. Go to reviews, join a club/extracurriculars, or just embrace being alone. College isn’t like high school, I enjoyed my time being alone. You’ll find many people often sit alone and study and absolutely no one cares.

    I’d just wait indefinitely if you really just want nothing more than a friendship. If she also feels that way, then she’ll answer. And if she doesn’t ever answer, do you really want to be a friend with someone like that?

  2. You did, sort of, ask her out.

    There is NO BETTER TIME in your life to make friends than right now. Make friends in your dorm. In the cafeteria. In your classes. At the library. At a student organization. You get the idea.

    I don’t think you should double text this girl. Wait for her to respond. While you are waiting, say hello to some folks on your floor, see if they want to hang out.

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