I need advice. How to deal with an acquiantances who is teasing me in chat about a co-volunteer (women) in my ministry that he thought he saw the two of us last time in the coffee shop that we dated before. To be clear, it was not a date. We just talk there to resolve the issues between us. Then he saw us there, thought it was a date. He messaged me today because the co-volunteer shared the post on fb, then he even teased me on her post in fb my screenshot it and message me in chat.

Take note, we are just acquiatances. We are not close to give him the permission to tease me. He is so nosy wanting to know if we really date and want to gain the information on what we talk on that day. Its none of their business to know it tbh. Any advice on how should I deal with him?

**tl;dr**: I already made it clear to him before its none of his business to know what we talked about before. Then he still keep on prying over it. Any thoughts or advice?

  1. If ignoring and telling him that you have no interest in talking to him about non-work-related matters doesn’t help and he keeps it up, remain professional, keep all texts and if it doesn’t stop after a week or so, make your way to HR.

  2. “I’m not comfortable with you asking me personal questions, please stop doing so.”

    Then if he continues, “I told you not to ask me personal questions. Why are you asking me about this?”

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