Me and girlfriend were dry humping the other day i was in my underwear and she was wearing her pyjama pants but no underwear.she’s a virgin.I was rubbing against her vagina and i cum inside my underwear as we were humping. She got two little wet stains on her pants. Can the sperm get into her somehow or can she get pregnant ? She did wash her vagina afterwards and took a shower. Her last period was 9 days ago. I am really freaking out.

  1. It’s fine, as long as it didn’t go inside of her. Oh to be young.

  2. First off, no. Your not going to get her pregnant with dry humping.

    But please make sure to take the time to educate yourself before you proceed further. A lot of people have deeply held misconceptions around sex and it’s a recipe for disaster and parenthood.

  3. No, not possible. But as another commenter said please educate yourselves before proceeding!!

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