Say you’re a 30 year old single man. What do you think is the youngest appropriate age to set your dating app to?

  1. Honestly I just set the app for 18-32 even if my actual preference is 25-29 theres always the possibility of outliers and exceptions so I might aswell swipe on as many as I can.

  2. While you can do whatever’s legal, the “half your age, plus seven” rule isn’t a bad benchmark.

    So for you that’d be 22.

  3. For just sex… I’d say 21.

    For more of a dating thing… I’d go with about 24.

  4. I probably would have done like 25-35 when I was 30. Wouldn’t want to date someone in or fresh out of college at that point in my life.

  5. I’d say 22, *provided* that you’re a particularly mature person and capable of treating them with the nuanced care a young adult like that would deserve.

    For 90% of dudes, I would say 25 is more reasonable.

  6. Depends on what you’re in the market for.

    If you’re looking for love, I’d probably set it to 25, if you’re just looking for hookups, I’d go a few years lower.

  7. I am not going to tell what anyone else should do other than obey the law, but I personally wouldn’t date below 21 at 30. I would feel weird dating someone that couldn’t get into 21+ venues.

  8. I’m a 31 year old single man on dating apps, I set the minimum age at 21 but my preference is around 25-26

  9. 25, anything less isn’t *that* bad but tbh they’re still pretty young.

  10. My dating preferences even since my early 20s has always been 2 yrs younger or 2 yrs older than my current age… anything more I feel like it’s some type of social/mental distance between us.

  11. I’m an old geezer, but when you’re 30, the world is wide open to you. I’d keep this in mind: when you’re dating/forming a relationship- male or female – it’s not a big deal when you’re 35 & your partner is 26. Also not an issue when you’re 50 & your partner is 41. Hell, not a problem at 60/51. But when you turn 66+ vs. your partner at 57+? Um, you can do Medicare but they still need insurance. Unless you save a boatload (who can?), the age gap gets progressively more pronounced, most of the time, as you get older. So think long-term, & be careful.

  12. I have always thought of it like this when I was in high school and asenior I wouldn’t date an 8th grader so I feel going 4 years is each direction is appropriate for dating apps.

  13. I’m 31 and I wouldn’t date anyone under 24. That’s just my preference

  14. I’m gonna take a slightly different approach here to what most will no doubt.

    Based purely on my own experiences, When I was 13 I slept with a 24 year old (My choice, I chased them, no grooming involved before someone makes assumptions), At 19 I slept with a 55 year old, Again personal choice, I’m now in my 30’s and while I do still like more mature people (sex wise at least), Relationship wise I’ve always dated younger, My largest gap was 11 years, I was 31, They were 20, Lasted a little under a year but yeah definitely wasn’t mentally mature enough.

    So I’d say mental maturity in terms of a relationship is definitely a requirement, With some exceptions (Kink, Within legal limitstions of course). If its purely for ONS/FWB/NS then 21 (Assuming your US based).

  15. 23. Old enough to drink, hopefully mature enough to know their alcohol limit.

  16. AS a single 30y/o man, the youngest I’d date would be 25. It just deals wrong to go any younger. Also at 25, most (not all) people tend to have somewhat of a consistent personality. So there’s no dealing with people who are “trying to find themselves.”

  17. 21. I had friend who was dating a 32 year old. She was just bragging about him. Beard, knowledgeable, house, and nice car. I supported them because it was all consensual. Both parties are adults, both want each other, and it worked out. Women prefer older men anyway and it’s not going to matter 30 years from now.

  18. When i was 23, i thought anyone below 21 was too young.
    Met my now fiancee, who was 18 at the time. I didn’t ask her for a whole year, rebuffing her attempts at exploring the obvious spark we had.
    Age is a number.

  19. 23.

    Two years of drinking age under her belt. Less likely to be out with her friends on ladies night, every ladies night.

  20. 19, when I was 30 I dated a 19 year old, she was really mature for her age and we complimented each other well, we remain friends to this day

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