I (21F) met a guy online who claimed he was 30. We had a lot in common and also many differences, but we hit it off. I’m not going to go into too many details. I want to work in healthcare and he claimed this was
below everyone and looked down upon(???) anyways, he wanted to meet and I told him I was not going to be able to meet soon (it’s a long process to meet him) because I want to stay here and focus on my career. I explained to him that I needed to graduate from college first and he kept persisting and asking for me to meet him. I kept telling him over and over that I couldn’t until I graduate from college. He has a PhD and talks a lot about neuroscience but I don’t know squat about neuroscience. He would always insult me and call me “illiterate” when I didn’t know what he was talking about. I failed a few questions on my math test and he said “ha. Basic mathematics? To work with me you need to know elementary student level math.” The math was a drug dosage question that he claims elementary students can solve. Keep in mind all this happened over a few months. Despite his insults, he would say very kind things to me and I also to him. Then he said “I lied to
you. My real age is 40.” This was my last straw. I asked for an explanation on why he lied to me on something so innocent and little. He claims he didn’t “lie” and that he sees himself as 30. I call BS and I tell him I no longer want to communicate. He then went from giving me compliments to telling me I was stupid and all I am capable of is using emojis in a message (again ???) when I shut down the communication. Hours after I blocked him, he wrote to me by his number and threw more insults at me. Even insults about my religion. hope all this makes sense….. I just can’t believe how
many crazy people there are these days.

What did I do wrong?

TL;DR: I met a guy who majorly lied to me about his age after few months of communication and was fed up. He went from compliments to insults immediately when I ended communication.

  1. You did nothing wrong. This guy is a loser and he’s not a neuroscientist. He just read enough articles to know the vocab to make himself seem smarter. He’s single for a reason and he just got outclassed by someone half his age lol

  2. You did do something wrong. You should have blocked him the first time he insulted you or demanded that you meet him. You don’t owe any man your time or the benefit of the doubt.

  3. It sounds like the signs were all there from the beginning. Next time someone reveals themself to be a crazy asshole, you should stop investing your time and energy in them immediately.

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