Women who took the guys last name, at what point do you get a new email name if ever?

I’m just curious if it’s normal to “update” it if the current email has a version of your name in it.

  1. Once I legally changed my last name I immediately changed it on everything else (email, social media, etc)

  2. I got it pretty quickly. Just makes it easier to give it over the phone if I only have to spell one last name.

  3. My personal email is still the same after 10 years of marriage. It’s never been worth the hassle to change it.

  4. I don’t remember really but I created a third email address that goes firstname.husbandsname@something and I use it for everything that pertains to our married life: to communicate with the bank, everything regarding our daughter’s school, internet and electricity providers etc.

    I’ve also kept my firstname.maidenname@something since I’ve been using it for work for years (I didn’t take my husband’s name for work).

    And of course I still have the shameful first email address ever created when I was a teen lmao (think of something really silly like cute_girly23) that is only linked to my Amazon and Apple account and I’ve never bothered to change it 😂

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