For me, inconsiderate folks spending a crazy amount of time on their phone when others are trying to use an in demand piece of equipment.

Another observation, the amount of guys walking around barefoot in the men’s locker room is just disgusting …

  1. People not wiping down the visibly sweat drenched handles and seats on equipment.

  2. I don’t care about other people, my headphones are on and it’s me vs me.

    My biggest pet peeve is that pull-ups are easier when I’m skinny than when they are when I’ve gained heavy muscle because most of the muscle weight is in my legs.

  3. People filming where you can see people in the background. I don’t want my sweaty fat ass in the background of your influencer video.

  4. My lastest pet peeve is this specifc group that trains together 3-4 days a week, while it seems ok it’s a group of 6-8 people men and women, and it takes them forever to use equipment. So, that’s my gripe. It’s small inconvienence, but it still exists.

  5. Every once in a while a swarm of teenage girls will decend on the squat racks, do endless hip thrusts, all while chatting. I’ve seen them literally take up both racks for almost 2 hours.

    Not only are they taking up the racks, but they drag flat benches in there too.

  6. People that use the gym like a private photo shoot and do not wipe down equipment when they finish.

  7. Taking a big swig from my water bottle, then realizing I didn’t bring my water bottle.

  8. People who take half the equipment in the gym and pile it up around them in a “gym-rats nest” rather than using equipment as needed. Then they spend the next half hour on their phone.

  9. The constant recordings. Yall need to stop filming yourselves and just finish your fucking sets.

  10. When the gym has plenty of equipment thats barely used and only 1 or 2 of the equipment that is heavily used aka 2 squat racks but 30 machines that go mostly untouched

  11. People who do their sets 2 inches in front of the dumbbell rack, blocking everyone from grabbing dumbbells.

  12. People treating the locker rooms and leaving their stuff everywhere like it’s their private bedrooms. Pick up your shit and put it away in a locker!

  13. People who stink. Look, I’m not asking everyone to smell like they would for a first date, but there are a few guys at the gym I go to who have a 10ft radius aura of stench that makes it impossible to work out if they take a machine next to you. I have tasted them against my will, and it makes me gag.

    Slap on some deodorant, some Arm and Hammer in your ass crack, whatever you need to do to not radiate a horrid stench

  14. People standing inches from the mirror staring at themselves in the eyes for ages.
    What the fuck is up with that?

  15. When a group of guys treats the gym like a social gathering and take forever hogging up equipment. I just want to get in and take care of business. Some people actually have a life outside of the gym

  16. >For me, inconsiderate folks spending a crazy amount of time playing on their phone when others are trying to use a popular piece of equipment.

    I was at the gym last week and this guy was using the lat machine and I was waiting for him to get up. He got a call and proceeded to sit there talking for like 5 minutes until I asked him if he was done.

    He got out of the way and so I could do my set, then stood up to leave the machine free if someone wanted to use it while I cooled down and *this guy* went to sit on it *again* while still talking to the phone and proceeded to not do anything for another 5 minutes. You can’t make this up!

  17. A lot of people here have mentioned some of my gym pet peeves so, I’ll just add one that I don’t think I’ve seen yet.

    Personal trainers who don’t even attempt to correct the form of their clients (usually ends up with said clients either failing a rep or nearly injuring themselves). Same personal trainers that, when they’re training themselves, have shitty form. I see this happen so often at one of the gyms I go to, I sometimes wonder if some personal training certification sessions are just “pay the fee, get your license”.

  18. It’s not often, but it really grinds my gears when there’s someone who is out of shape but clearly trying to improve and somebody is filming them or taking pictures and laughing. Like dude, grow up. They’re not hurting you by being there, and whether they’re doing it for themselves or because someone else wants them to it doesn’t matter. They’re making an effort and putting themselves in a situation where they may feel self-conscious and you’re gonna be an asshole about it?

  19. Suprised I haven’t seen this yet but the big one for me is when weights are dropped unnecessarily. Letting go of a weight in a controlled fashion as part of the exercise is one thing, but I will even see people on cable machines letting the weight go at the top of their movement.

    It’s extremely loud and obnoxious, dangerous, and damaging to the equipment and gym. I don’t understand. Lower the weight and do better

  20. The fuckin asshole in the Locker room who clipped their toenails in front of my locker and left all his gross toe nail clippings there.

    People who leave used bandaids in the shower

  21. Being on your phone isn’t always what it seems, I’ll be sitting on the equipment I’m using between sets, updating the notes on my phone with the rep/weights I managed before going on to my next set

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