So last weekend I had a date with that guy. Everything went well but fast forward to the day after, I went with my friend and her boyfriend on a ride and went to the city where the guy lives. My friend and her bf wanted me to invite him but I was feeling a little bit sick so I told them no. They proceeded by trying to restrain me and get my phone to text him at my place. They didn’t get to my phone but I was really anxious after this so evening I told him that we should stay friends and that I didn’t want a serious relationship rn which is false but I wasn’t thinking right. He also told me he loved me after only 2 weeks of dating and I kind of freaked out. But now we still talk and I feel like I still have feelings for him so I don’t know what to do. I’d like to have any input!

TL;DR! Fucked it up with that guy because of my anxiety.

  1. A 19 year old has no business dating a 16 year old, you need to get away from him if hes tryna date you. It may not feel predatory in the moment, but thats not a good situation.

  2. Uhhh a 19 year old dating a 16 year old is kind of weird. Telling you he loves you after only 2 weeks is a huge red flag. As a now 31 year old woman, I have been in the same position when I was your age. That is the sign of someone who is going to love bomb you and try to control you. You need to stay away. Also friends who pin you down and go against a boundary you set is also not okay.

  3. That feeling of being really anxious? That is your instinct. It feels upsetting because it is actually right thing, you need protect yourself, especially if your parents aren’t supporting you to make better decisions.

    Don’t second guess that instinct now, it’s the same thing that would tell you to run if you were walking alone in the dark – it’s the sense that something isn’t quite right. Learn to trust that feeling.

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