Hey ! I don’t have much experience in dating so I wanted some advice on how to organize a second date.
I had a really nice first date with a guy and I’d really like to see him again. He was the first one to ask me out, I was busy at that time (on holidays) so I had to postpone the date for around 10 days, then I messaged him telling him I was back and he asked if I was available 2 days later, thankfully I was and we had our first date 🙂 we went to have drinks in the evening !
The day after I texted him saying I had a really nice time and he replied to me that he did as well ! The thing is, we don’t text so I kind of panicked, I did not know what to say next so I messaged him the next day asking him if he was available in a week (on Saturday). He told me that he was so I am really happy about that.
It would be our second date and I wanted to go to a quieter place than when we had drinks, to talk in a calm environment, I was thinking about going to the museum and having coffee but he told me he might have to work on the afternoon so he would be free only in the evening… I told him that I understand and that it was fine for me and he didn’t reply to my last text.

Now I am kind of lost, on Saturday night, many places are really busy, you have to book in advance and I don’t know what to do… should I ask him ? Should I organize everything because I was the one who asked him out this time ? I know I am really overthinking this… Also, what kind of date do you recommend ? I was thinking dinner and maybe a walk ?

Last thing is, I really don’t want to come off as clingy by messaging him twice when he did not even answer my last text. I am overthinking and regretting everything right now. Sorry I am really inexperienced that’s why I am asking so many questions. Thank you for your kind help !

  1. Honesty is the best policy here, communicate clearly as you have here and he’ll understand and thank you for it.
    It’ll give you an indication as to how much he’s interested too.
    I wish you well, take care and remember, life’s too short to procrastinate.
    Let us know how you get along:-)
    Be strong 💪

  2. You’re over thinking all of this. Breeeeeathe, OP. It’s just a date. If you’re stuck on idea, yes text him and ask.

  3. Just message him about your date idea with a time and place and ask if that works for him. Some people don’t reply to text that are statements.

  4. First, don’t double text. It shows desperation and his effort level will decline sharply if you do.

    Wait until be reaches out and then plan something. If you need to make a reservation for something you can do it now but I wouldn’t purchase anything because you may not hear from him again.

  5. Haha you’re not being clingy. But I think you should try to chill out and relax. Stop overthinking!!! You should ask him where he might want to go and go from there

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