and about what?

and is it useful to you?

and is it mostly about you?

  1. I have it scheduled on my planner every morning, but I actually do it every other morning.

    I created a “reflection bank” and I randomly pick a topic from it. Just random stuff that interests me.

  2. Every day when I lay in bed I think about what I did that day and what I could have done differently.

  3. you should do it every morning and everynight. You can always be better.

  4. Does calling myself a worthless failure for not achieving any of my childhood goals during the commute to work count?

  5. Constantly. Are you insinuating that some of you take breaks or don’t self-reflect at all?

  6. I spend most of the time my thoughts aren’t drowned out by noise reflecting on my numerous faults, failings, and embarrassing mistakes like any good millennial.

  7. I meditate every day. The reflection is the beginning of my process.

    What was my favorite part of the day? Least favorite? Why? What adjustments can I make to have the good parts happen more frequently and make the bad parts less troublesome? What can I improve upon myself tomorrow?

    This part usually takes 15 minutes and once I answer these questions it helps me clear my mind for the rest of my meditation.

  8. Every day, about life in general. Things I want to improve about myself, past events in my life that still affect me, an interaction I had with my friends or with strangers, etc. I’m actually trying to learn to be more in the moment instead of being in my head so much.

  9. Constantly.

    I’m always doing a mental equivalent of the visual scan you do when flying: in front, left, over the top, right, instruments, back to the front.

  10. I self-reflect from two to three times per week. In general, I think about how to reach my goals and improve my quality of life. I write these relfections and keep them on my pc as well.

  11. Whenever that starts to happen I chug a couple beers and take a some sleeping pills. I got work tomorrow no time to get mopey.

  12. Daily with a diary I write before bed. I write my thoughts about the day. It’s useful at the moment, but long-term I don’t really look back at past entries. It is mostly about me since it’s a diary

  13. Im literally doing that right now. I’ve gone an entire week without talking to my friends. For some time now, I’ve been feeling like while I’ve got them, they don’t got me. It’s sad just to think about it, so I’m using the time to just reflect on if my feelings are valid or if I am just overthinking.

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