What is something that you always have in your purse? (besides phone wallet keys gum)

  1. Pill case and extra contact lenses if I’m wearing my lenses.

  2. wet wipes and benadryl (the only medicine that works for my allergies)

  3. Painkillers, a notepad and pen. A portable charger if I am going out for a longer period of time.

  4. An epipen and my sonic screwdriver. I’ve never used either but damn it, I am prepared.

  5. taser, probiotics and vitamins, hair clip, lipstick, and a cough drop or two

  6. I feel like I’ve upgraded from just carrying my wallet around to having an old lady Mary Poppins purse. Need wet wipes? Floss? Dryer sheets for static? Lotion? Q tips? Stick deodorant or spray deodorant? Bandaids? Box cutter? Spare underwear and socks? Different pads and tampons for all types of flow? And various types of painkillers/medicine, ibuprofen, midol, goody powders, Dramamine, pepto. I sound like a walking pharmacy at this point.

  7. A book/Kindle. Even if I know I’m not going to read it, it’s there for moral support.

  8. In no particular order, lighter, sewing kit, triple antibiotic, hand sanitizer, lip balm, multi tool, Bluetooth earbuds, and my epipen.

  9. Ear plugs. I’ve got severe misophonia and they always help me when someone near me is making a noise I find irritating.

    I also carry mints because I get nausea quite a lot due to anxiety and GERD and they just help.

  10. Lip balm, face wipes, tissues, eye drops, paracetamol, earbuds, a couple condoms.

  11. Wireless Earphones. Lip Balm. XL Claw Clip + Hair Ties. Mini Pharmacy. Hand Sanitizer. Wipes. Foldable Tote Bag. Water Bottle. Power Bank.

  12. I don’t really have a purse big enough to put anything beside money, I have a tote bag that I carry everywhere.

    I always have toilet paper and water with me.

  13. eyelash curler, lipstick, hand lotion, mini perfume, airpods, & hair clip/tie

  14. Ok, I’m more of a rucksack user than a purse. I always always carry my Kindle, a pocket knife, a head torch, pen and paper, first aid kit, sunscreen, a foldable shopping bag, a power bank, hair ties, lip balm, and a lighter.

  15. a lip stick, lip gloss, some cash, my public transport fare card, my bank card.

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