Hey y’all. I’ve been wanting to post about this for a while but I feel like I finally really need to. So I’ve been dating this girl at my college for a while, the length really isn’t all that important, but since high school her, and her sister, have been being harassed over text by this same person. They’ve hidden behind a screen for all these years and change their number every time they come to harass them, with no indication of who they are. They constantly harass them for nudes and try to get them to perform sexual acts for them, all that lovely stuff. All we really know are that they went to the same elementary and high school as them but that’s about it. Both my gf and her sister have been able to just go and ignore this person but last night they began threatening my gf, saying they should give in to their demands and if they don’t, they know where they live. I was just wondering if anyone had dealt with anything similar and if they had any ideas of what we can do? If more info is needed I’m happy to provide.

TLDR; my gf is being harassed over text by someone that knew her and I want to find a way to help

  1. I assume they’ve changed their numbers over the years, which means this person is close enough to them to keep getting the new number, which is really scary. Still, I don’t think there’s much they can do, besides stop paying any attention at all to the texts, don’t even mention receiving them. Eventually the perpetrator will get bored.

    Another possibility is changing her number again, and getting a bunch of Google Voice numbers that link to her phone. Then give out a different GoogleVoice number to everyone to find out who the texter is, or at least who is leaking your gf’s phone number.

    I remember a story where someone (maybe Lindy West?) got nasty messages for years from someone who knew intimate details of her life. It turns out it was her best friend’s boyfriend, a shy guy who had always been friendly in person, and it was only discovered cause her friend had to use his computer and he left his email account open. They had never had any beef, some people are just completely weird freaks, so don’t assume anyone is above suspicion, and don’t tell anyone, even her family about the Google Voice numbers.

  2. This may be helpful. You’re girlfriend can send them a link to a google doc, and once they click the link your GF can see their google account details (if they are logged in that is). This might be a good way to find out who they are

  3. >they began threatening my gf, saying they should give in to their demands and if they don’t, they know where they live.

    Call the cops.

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