whats is the longest lie you told someone and why?

  1. “Supercalifragisiticexpialidocious is a real word.”

    I don’t think I needed a reason, but even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious, if you say it loud enough you’ll always sound precocious.

  2. As a teenager, I wanted to be a ginger so bad that I dyed my hair at the slightest regrowth and told everybody I was a natural ginger for years. It’s fun because my hair are a pretty auburn anyway, but it just wasn’t enough

  3. I lied about who I was to a bar regular for the whole 8 months I worked there. Lied about my name, my age, my family, what time I was off work, whatever he asked me, I lied about.

    The dude really creeped me out and I didn’t want to give him any ammo to find me outside of work.

  4. I have this running lie with a friend about slim slady he said a joke and I laughed. It’s been 10 years I still don’t know the context and we still laugh about it 🤷🏽‍♀️

  5. Years ago someone gifted my kids small picture frames and they had the same picture in them. I, nor they, ever changed the picture out. They asked me who it was and I told them it was a long lost friend of mine 😂.

    They found out several years later when they saw the same frames with the same inserts.

    We all had a great laugh and no, they weren’t traumatized by it.

  6. When we were first dating, I told my SO I was a virgin. It’s getting close to 15 years and I haven’t admitted I wasn’t.

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