I was talking to someone for about a week. After having a phone conversation, I didn’t feel he was for me. I really don’t like to ghost people so I politely told him I enjoyed chatting with him but I didn’t feel he was for me. He started texting me and saying things like “you probably just want to get f\*cked”. I told him no need to get rude. I had to block.

How do you handle when you are not interested in someone?

  1. Guys like it when a women can be responsive LIKE A MOTHER! and just say and be straight up no need for games

  2. You did the right thing by politely rejecting him. Some people just are jerks. Sorry.

    It’s not ghosting if you’ve already rejected them…..

  3. To be honest, I used to tell people straight up when I wasn’t interested anymore. After experiencing similar experiences to yours, like the guy getting rude and disrespecting me after being rejected. I started to ghost out of fear of what they would say to be after reject them.
    It’s not the right thing to do and it does suck to be on the receiving end, but I think I do it situation by situation base now. Although people can easily put up a facade of who they want you to think they are vs. who they really are. I’m sorry this happened to you.

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