Ok, I’ve done A LOT of thinking today (which is saying something because I’m a chronic over thinker) and I think I need to send a text or call or something to this guy I’ve gone on dates with. So I matched with him a month and half ago, and the first three weeks he was wonderful! Like seriously thought he was the bees knees, he made me laugh, he planned dates, he made effort to talk to me, he showered me in compliments. And then one day bam, it all stopped. We’ve still hung out, still have talked but it’s so different like it feels like two different people. This week he’s gone days without talking to me. But will send me TikToks and stuff. I hate it.

As much as i loved the beginning, I feel like he’s lost interest or lost effort I dunno, but I sorta want to send a text saying “I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you over the past month, I think you are a wonderful guy, but I’m also a wonderful gal and I think I would like to find someone that sees that as well. I wish you the absolute best!” Or something I dunno. Again I’m bummed because he was so wonderful. Or should I call and have a conversation about this and ask why he’s become distant?

  1. You should call first, if he doesn’t offer a good explanation or change his behavior, then move on.

  2. Um….Definitely call and have a conversation. The former sounds needy and insecure because it sounds like, “Hey I am valuable!! Someone will see it! I know you didn’t, but someone will!”. I always warn my girlfriends from these type of approaches because it doesn’t stem from a truly confident place.

    Give him a call. Kindly let him know how you are feeling and the reasons for it. Then listen to what he has to say. You may be surprised. Or, you may not be so surprised. But communication is key!

  3. > he made me laugh, he planned dates, he made effort to talk to me, he showered me in compliments

    Did you reciprocate ? Planned dates, gave him compliments and the likes ?

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