At what point would you consider passive aggressive behavior from your significant other emotional abuse?

  1. i’d argue passive aggression is one of the first signs of an unhealthy relationship. maybe not necessarily abuse, but still toxic enough to warrant leaving them

  2. Not sure if I’m overreacting but I’m getting anxiety, stress and sometimes find myself (very hard to admit this…) scared when my SO is being passive aggressive.

  3. When I started accepting the treatment as normal and what I deserved. When I started rationalizing their behavior and saying X wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t done/said Y.

  4. I used to use it with my husband and realized what I was doing wrong when I was in counseling. We talk a lot now and have really grown in our communication.

  5. When I have let them know how I feel about their behaviour and they:

    1. Tell me I’m being too sensitive

    2. Tell me it’s “just a joke” and refuse to acknowledge that it could be seen as anything other than funny

    3. Keep doing it

    4. Argue with me about it

    5. Mock me

  6. never. and it’s insensitive to those who have actually experienced emotional abuse.

  7. When we have vulnerable conversations about how it makes me feel and they don’t attempt to start altering their behavior.

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