What body type do you consider is the most attractive?

  1. The kind with boobs. Well, except man-boobs. I discriminate against those.

  2. Toned. A nice stomach with a hint of abs with some strength in her arms and I’m swooning.

  3. I honestly can’t say. Differently types have different appeals.

    It’s like picking the most delicious food. It entirely depends on your craving at the moment.

  4. I mean I won’t say no to a naked women but I’m into more slim (because I’m slim atm, who knows if that’ll change when I bulk up a bit cause I need some weight on these bones)

  5. I like them all. Aside from people who are so morbidly obese they make documentaries about them. Or people so skinny you can drag your dick along their ribs and play them like a xylophone.

    But other than that it’s all good. Fat, chubby, curvy, muscular, slim, whatever.

  6. Depends on the person tbh. It’s not a big deal to me. When I fall I start adoring their entire fucking existence no matter what’s their body type or looks! :3

  7. As far as just sexually attractive? Multiple. Can be slim, chubby (but shapely), athletic, etc

    As far as willing to date? Probably the slim fit body type. I tend to sway towards that with interest beyond just sex. Although the powerlifter girl physique is cool too (not the biggest weight classes, but like 56kg – 75kg)

  8. petite & hourglass but if shorty is a shitty person her body type doesnt matter anymore

  9. Freddie Mercury was onto something with the line “Fat bottom girls, you make the rockin’ world go round!”

  10. I didnt realize until a few years ago but I’m into whatever my wife looks like. When she was bigger I liked chubbier bodies, then when she got thin and fit I was into that. I finally clued in when she was pregnant and all of a sudden I found myself really into pregnant women lol

  11. Athletic. I like a little muscle, and maybe a small layer of fluff on top.

  12. I like smaller boobs, bigger butts and thighs. But I can find anyone of any body type attractive.

  13. I once asked a question like this on the sub and got downvoted to oblivion and bashed in the comments. Now it’s pretty decently received. Different crowd eh?

  14. Personally I prefer toned CrossFit girls. Thick thighs, muscular ass, flat stomach toned upper body

  15. Curvy, maybe a little fluffy.

    Tbh tho lots of people are attractive for their own reaasons. There isn’t really a formula to it.

  16. Pear/teardrop shaped.

    Not particularly interested in a larger chest, but man, thighs and a nice ass just knocks me out.

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