I see men describe themselves in this way and I’m curious how that plays out in the male mind?

  1. Old Fashioned – a whiskey cocktail.

    Traditional – 1950s style home life.

  2. Too me, that means all the old style shit men were supposed to do.

    Opening doors, paying the bills, being the initiator for dates, etc.

  3. If it’s in the context of relationships, it probably means they believe in gender roles

  4. It mostly has a negative connotation for me, and I stay away from people who describe themselves as traditional.

  5. The demographic groups who hate your group are going to whine incessantly about all the stuff your group used to do that worked really well. On the bright side if you keep on doing trad stuff, it’ll keep on being successful, and the people who hate you were never going to like you anyway regardless if you ‘obeyed’ them or not, so there’s not much downside to doing what works.

  6. I don’t know. People say weird things all the time. I would assume that they are conservative/religious.

  7. When some starts a sentence with “call me old fashioned but”, I generally assume the proceeding words will be, racist, chauvinist, or xenophobic.

    In terms of a relationship, it’s usually code for their expectation that a woman will fill the traditional “wife” role and handle keeping up the household (cleaning, cooking, etc.).

  8. They usually won’t come out and say it in so many words, but it’s basically “man is ruler of the house and woman is obedient.” It’s right there in traditional marriage vows. They’ll find some way to spin it so it doesn’t sound so oppressive to a mixed audience, but that’s what it amounts to.

    Remember, “traditionally” even slavery was once considered totally normal. The Bible even spells out how to obtain and treat slaves.

  9. In their minds, picture Ben from the movie The Intern.

    In reality, it can mean anything. I’ve seen people describe themselves as traditional and mean they like doing their own home repairs and talking to their neighbors across the fence; I’ve seen people describe themselves as traditional and mean they think women shouldn’t have jobs and that physical violence is the best way to get people to do things.

  10. Personally, I mean my values are closer to the people who lived here before the Christians showed up and tried to ruin everything.

    Like having a bonfire tonight to celebrate Beltane, for example.

  11. They’ve been around long enough to see fads come and go and to value things that have enduring meaning… which to me equals family and friends.

  12. Usually, mean they believe n traditional gender roles like man is provider woman stays home cooks an cleans and all that stuff. These guys are also usually very conservative and religious and most of the guys I meant online or in real life that say they are traditional are usually huge douchebags that also call themselves “alpha males”.

  13. The man works and the woman does all the house work, I’m not personally in support of this lifestyle, mainly because the modern economy and cost of living doesn’t really allow it and it seems to assume women are all supposed to be good at specific things and can’t possibly take care of themselves or work but anyone can do what they want

  14. Two things
    1. Nice, chivalrous, and helpful.
    2. Sexist, misogynistic, and/or arrogant.
    Depends on the guy and the circumstances.

  15. I sometimes use it about my self although it’s not so much about the way I want to live so much as the way I happen to. My wife basically struggled to hold down a job because of mental health stuff so she’s stayed at home for 20 years while I’ve worked. Ironically we’ve ended up with a more traditional set-up than either of us grew up with.

    We’re actually really happy although I don’t think I’d actually recommend it to people. Apart from anything else, the financial demands on the dude are really high these days, and for the woman it means a certain lack of self determination irrespective of how you try to offset that.

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