Hello, I was seeing a girl for a little bit. About a month ago we were getting hot and she didn’t want to have sex, but suggested using her vibrator on my penis. I obliged because I’ve never tried this before. It was small vibrator maybe 3in length. She pressed it to my penis where the head meets my foreskin as well as the underside of my head. The sensation was incredible and in less than five minutes I ejaculated. We stopped seeing each other less than a week after. For some reason I am now paranoid of STD’s. I didn’t think about it at the time or even for a couple of weeks after. But it just hit me that you can technically get an STD from that. I do not know if she has any STDs, when she last used her vibrator, or if it was cleaned in between the last time she used it and when I used it. I’m just curious if anyone thinks there is a chance I could get an STD? It’s been a month and I have no signs, but I’m still nervous. Before everyone says it, I do have an appointment next Friday to get tested, and I am planning on reaching out to her to ask after I get my test results. TIA

  1. The risk is very very low. There’s a saying “Once is dries it dies”. Basically bacteria can’t live in non wet environments, and typically quickly die outside of the body. So even if she had an STD, and even she had used the vibrator the day before, the chances of an STD are still very very low.

    That being said you’re doing the right thing. You’re getting tested. And even if you by some miracle had an STD. The vast majority are easily treatable with 1-7 days of antibiotics and clear up in no time, with no permanent effects.

  2. You DO realize that if you were having sex with her, then your entire question about the vibrator is moot… right?

  3. you are from the states, arent you? This paranoid thoughts about std are so weird for people loving in central and western Europe. Sorry, that you are really scared of catching an std on a completly harmless sexual interaction. Sounds so fucked up to me.

    As others said: almost 💯 safe, you wont get anything.

  4. The only time I’ve ever heard of someone getting an STD from a toy is when someone else had literally only just used it, like seconds before. Still-wet body fluids are a risk but outside of that you should be golden

  5. You’re good, please don’t worry. The chances are so miniscule that it’s not a factor. If getting tested makes you feel better then do it, but you are fine.

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