Stuck between two guys help

So I (16f) am in a sort of situation where there’s two guys that like me. Boy one will call him A (17m) is really rich, and has wonderful parents. He already told them about me. He’s very kind and sweet, cute, and is enamored with me and im sort of attached to him. However, he loves face-timing and I hate it. Long story short he got pissed at me for not wanting to FaceTime because I’m busy with homework, studying, and chores, as well as I told him im not really into it. I told him weeks ago i would be busy, but weekends i can usually FaceTime. He’s also sitting at home because of a surgery so he has tons of time i dont. Now, he made a point that it doesn’t have to be daily and long, and i understand that and apologized for not seeing that, and said we can do smaller calls and not make it feel like a chore. However, he jumped the gun and unfollowed me on my socials and i had to dm him on insta and call him at 12:30 at night, when i told him i really wanted to sleep. He didn’t try to empathize he just made it about himself to me. He said “i wish you would’ve said this stuff before.” I said “I’ve told you multiple times i hate facetime.” He said “twice isn’t enough.” And that pissed me off. One no is no. Mind you its a talking stage, and thats a really rough start. I didn’t even initiate the fight. He said “I’m such an emotional fuck.” Which was kind of cringy. I had to resolve it by calming him down and saying “let’s communicate better.” But a fight in a talking stage is dumb and makes me less interested. So i told him i dont think a relationship is the best right now, and to make this quick he said think on it and call me when you’ve made a decision. Now, M (17m) is an old crush from last year who recently added me and basically confessed. He’s very relaxed, attractive, funny, and always makes me get butterflies. I actually enjoy face-timing with him. But people have said he’s a player, and has a lot of close female friends (i knew one) And i also just get an odd feeling, like maybe he’s not boyfriendish, though i enjoy him.
I’ve never been in a relationship so this is all new and confusing to me. I dont really know how to go about this, how to express my feelings/love/anger and i feel like a bad person for upsetting A so i lean toward M but i just feel in love but uncomfortable, which may be due to my lack of experience.

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