Hello Folks!

I’m father of 2 boys (2,5 yrs and 1m) and I cannot imagine any routine set through the day. Week looks almost the same if I need to work or not:

– work (from home, keeping up with kids aswell)

– take care of children (play, make something interesting, etc.)

– let wife blow some steam off after taking care of the smaller one (do other tasks) through most of the day and night

– prepare food etc.

Whenever I have time to sit on my ass there is any smaller things to be done or when all are sleeping going into zombie mode to scroll through internet/play some games out of necessity to keep mind focused at least for a moment than entertaiment.

How do you kept sanity in those moments?

Edit: typos

  1. Man I got 3. 16 14 and 11. They will run you and run you at that age. But to be honest enjoy it. Cause once the get older and don’t want much to do with you.. you’ll miss them wanting you all the time.. sounds Cliche I know. But it’s true. Just rest when you can or they do

  2. Mine are teens, so it’s easier, but I keep them to a strict quiet time at night so my wife and I can have a little time for each other. I also occasionally run out and grab a nice peaceful meal alone sometimes.

  3. I can’t but I just be grateful for them. Coz, my girls gonna grow so fast that they won’t be near with me anymore. So I know it is tough but everything will pay off. The stronger you are then the stronger they are. You are definitely gonna be their standard to be a man.

    If you ever feel tired, just sit, take a breath, and close your eyes. It’s okay to take a break. It’s okay take a sip. But your boys always need you. 🙂

    Good luck mate

  4. Totally enjoy this family bonding time. Don’t see it as a chore. As a father of 2 boys 14 and 12 it quickly fades as they get their independence/maturity.

    If wife needs a break from the younger one, throw him in a stroller and go for a walk to get coffee or something. When everyone asleep do something you like to do but get sleep to be prepared to be the best father/husband you can.

  5. Once they get a little older it gets easier. 5-13 is the golden years for sure.

  6. Replace zombie mode with something that actually makes you happy. Wife time, exercise, read real books, plan trips. Or shift some of your work to night time and use some day hours to enjoy family without trying to parent and work at the same time.

  7. I keep sane by remembering it will all be over way sooner than you think, and before you know it you will be longing for this time to return

  8. Well, that first year with lack of sleep is extremely difficult and I mostly just powered through it. My kids are a bit older and now that sleep is better it’s easier.


    Make sure you get some downtime to recuperate and you wife does as well. Maybe one night a week you each get to relax while the other takes care of the kids. Whatever works for you both is fine. Family time is great but doesn’t need to be every single night. One parent can work on chores while the other takes the kids out for a walk. It’s okay and healthy to let your children play by themselves while you clean or make dinner. Let your children figure out the world around you as much as they can themselves. If your 2.5 year old is trying something new let him do it by himself as long as it’s not dangerous.


    Find things that help you relax and calm down. I like to sip on whiskey or have a beer. Sometimes I’ll just play some music and self-reflect over the day. I’ve also picked up some old hobbies that I forgot about. Reading a book helps your mind calm down for the evening and is engaging. You can also take part in some light exercise such as biking.

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