What stereotype do you fit that you wish you didn’t?

  1. I’m a bad driver. I’ve never had an accident but I’m nervous and TERRIBLE at parking and reversing. It really annoys me that I live up to the “women are bad drivers/can’t park” stereotype.

    (For context I’m in the UK. In writing this I’ve realised that I don’t know if this is a stereotype in other countries!?)

  2. Exceeding expectations as a child, burning out by 21, spending the next few years trying to rebuild who I am from scratch. I’m happy where I am now but I wish pressures on children didn’t turn so many of us into broken young adults who jump between coping mechanisms and become vulnerable to the worst of the world.

  3. I am fat, fair, female and 40. My gallbladder is basically a single stone.

  4. The pretty girl. People always assume I’m dumb or something and the I don’t have any talent. But I’m actually good at a lot of things, they just don’t wanna see this side

  5. Being boujee – I like to dress nice, I take care of my skin, nails and hair, I keep myself groomed, I like obnoxious jewelry and big hoop earrings… you know the full works! And while I totally love embracing my more feminine side, I think some people equate the way I present myself with being high maintenance. Which I am not.

  6. I have horses…

    And I am rather strange.


    So I guess I fit the “crazy horse girl” definition?

    Everybody who is a long-time horse owner is a bit odd, farmers are odd, vets are odd…animal people are odd.

  7. That fat people are funny. I was funny when I was skinny too.

  8. People look at me and assume that I smoke weed. They’re right 😂

  9. I’m not the best at video games. I’m not bad, but big mmo’s or shooters I’m a typical girl. I also hate it because I don’t want to be a girl who only plays animal crossing or the sims (which I do oops) but idk, fast paced games aren’t my jam I guess.

  10. that women are bad drivers bc why am i 19 yo yet cant park the car properly

  11. Bisexual goth with depression and anxiety.
    The first two things are great, 10/10. The rest I could do without.

  12. Being the worst driver ever despite having my drivers license for years now

  13. Being somewhat “alternative” and being both a leftist and queer. I’ve been described as “visibly queer” and people always assume (correctly) that I am bisexual.

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