So I’ve noticed a trend in my past relationships and my current one: in the beginning of the relationship my libido is normal because everything is new and we may not know each other that well which makes me feel more comfortable with being sexual.
Then the relationship continues and becomes deeper and i feel really vulnerable during sex, which makes me want to not have it. I don’t really know how to explain it, because i think it would make more sense if i would feel more vulnerable at the beginning of the relationship. But for me it’s the other way around: the more someone knows me the more vulnerable i feel.
My boyfriend and I have been together for about 1,5 years, and as always everything was normal in the beginning. Now it’s almost like I don’t feel comfortable with showing that sexual side of me because I feel too exposed? I don’t know how to explain it.

Point is: how do i overcome this feeling or how do i become okay with feeling vulnerable? Any tips?

1 comment
  1. I definitely feel you because I used to be super emotionally closed off. I could have sex with people and enjoyed it but once emotions were involved I was out (until I met my husband). An important question is is this a you problem? Do you know that you have issues feeling vulnerable no matter who it is? Or is this a problem with the relationship? Do you have a reason to not trust him? Or your gut telling you to not trust him?

    Could be either one and I think it’s important to consider both. If it’s a you problem I’d highly recommend therapy though. It really helped me open up and be comfortable being more vulnerable.

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