Hello people of Reddit. Without getting too specific, I am a teenager who tends to get what I only assume is psychological E.D about every other time I makeout and have sex with my girlfriend. Some days I get hard as soon as we start making out, and can even go 2-3 rounds of sex the whole night. However, some nights it’s a struggle to get hard even after much foreplay. I am very turned on and attracted to her, and this still happens on these random nights. I get random boners everyday, morning wood, etcetera so I know it’s probably not a physical problem. I am also in very good shape, exercise daily, and eat pretty clean which also points to the fact that it’s probably not physical. I usually masturbate about every other day of the week, but I am starting to cut that out. It has been happening about 50% of the time for the last month. I am looking for any advice, because this is very frustrating and disappointing for me.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I also get in my head a lot about not being able to get a boner and think about it before we hang out and while we’re making out (Performace anxiety?) and this could def be the cause… I’m not sure tho.

  1. Most likely psychological but why sometimes and not others? Cutting back on masturbation should help. How long have you done this? Notice anything different? You might want to check for any physical reasons. For instance, at your age, testosterone shouldn’t be an issue but you never know.

  2. Sometimes, stress or just being physically tired can make it difficult to get hard. Lack of sleep or poor sleep could be an issue. Conflict in the relationship can also be an issue.

    Anything that constricts your blood vessels, such as: high blood pressure, tobacco, high cholesterol, caffeine, or alcohol. Medications can also cause ED. Recreational drug use can also cause problems.

    Here is a good source that lists all the possible causes and treatment.

    [ Mayo Clinic – ED Causes and Treatment ](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/erectile-dysfunction/symptoms-causes/syc-20355776)

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