I’m in highschool and have 0 friends; my main issue is awful social anxiety so I’m pretty much completely alone. That being said it’s less severe; I was online for 3 years; 1 of those years by choice because of bad social anxiety; my first semester I didn’t talk to anyone pretty much at all; no one knew my name and I probably spoke a maximum of 8 different occasions and most of those occasions were 1 off things i.e mostly talking to teachers.

Second semester we have all knew classes so I was determined to be better since by the time my first semester was ending I was better; could clearly talk to teachers and was comfortable sitting alone at lunch (as comfortable as you can be anyway)

Anyway it’s been a lot better but, still not great. First block I have PE; my most socialble class I sit alone half the time and the other half the time a group of around 3 has been inviting me into their groups to play games which I appreciate a lot. That being said I’ve noticed a boy in my class who wasn’t as lucky as me to have someone reach out and I feel awful that he’s always alone; I really want to invite him to play but, I’m also not sure how to because like I said bad social anxiety and while better I’m still struggling.

Another thing is lunch I sit alone and see other people sitting alone and want to sit with them but, not sure how to. I’m also worried they don’t want anyone to sit with them and that id just be bothering them. Also while I did say I sit alone there’s actually a girl who sits at my table occasionally but, she’s usually (not always) face timing someone (she’s an immigrant and I’m unsure if she actually speaks the same language as me) Like I said she’s usually on the phone but, half the time she’s not so I’d like to talk to her but, I’m not sure how to.

I of course have my other classes but, these are the main instances I’m thinking about right now so any suggestions on how to actually initiate conversations with people? I have one class where a guy actually talks to me a lot and I really enjoy our conversations but, we have a lot in common; for my PE class the group of 3 who usually plays with me I don’t really talk to them since I don’t know what to say; they’ll usually talk to each other and try to include me a bit and I’m aware I end up very dull in the conversation since I don’t know what to say.

So while I know I can talk to people I struggle if we don’t have a lot in common so I’m not sure how to just strike up a conversation to these random people I’m thinking of.

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