What’s your opinion on cold showers? Do you find them useful?

  1. I only like cold showers on extremely hot days. Otherwise, I prefer warm or scalding hot.

    I know hot is bad for my skin or whatever. I don’t care.

  2. Eh, cold water closes your pores up and makes it harder to get all the dirt off of you, especially if you’ve been sweating. I like to start my showers warm for lathering up, then afterwards I turn it cold when rinsing off.

  3. I like cold showers. I only shower in cool or lukewarm water. I have low circulation in my hands and feet (Raynaud’s Syndrome) so any water warmer than that feels like it’s boiling.

  4. If it’s actually cold, then I find them painful. If the weather is hot and the water is lukewarm to cool, then it can be refreshing.

  5. I only use cold water when the hot water is broken, or if it’s crazy hot outside.

  6. They’re great if I’ve just had a run and I’m hot and sweaty.

  7. Very cool in summer and warm, not hot in winter. The idea of sweating while trying to clean myself is too much for me. Also the mirror fog is a pain. I really dont think there is a reason to have very cold or hot showers. Just comfortably enough to keep the skin from turning color or sweat…which “iced cold” as described by my SO. *queue eyeroll*

  8. Every once in a while I hate myself and try a cold shower, then regret it and go back to burning my skin

  9. Having cool showers regularly was recommended to me as a form of treatment for an autoinflammatory condition and I absolutely find benefit from it; particularly in relation to reduced swelling and pain. I also LOVE a cool shower after a sauna.

  10. I like ending my shower on cold. I weirdly enjoy the feel of my hair more after rinsing cold water. But I’d say my ideal shower is 90% hot, 10% cold. But like pool water cold, not cold plunge cold.

  11. I always feel focused and invigorated afterwards. I work from home and will sometimes go jump in a 2 minute cold shower if I’m feeling sleepy or can’t focus.

  12. I usually start off with lukewarm and end with cold water! It’s great for locking in moisture after using hot water and it helps control blood pressure/heart rate

  13. They’re a great corrective punishment for me. I had to take a lot of cold showers in the Navy because shower hours were over and I hate them. If I’m not scalding my skin off I send it back.

  14. I started taking cold showers to relieve migraine pain and as an added bonus it makes my hair look shinier and less frizzy. Helps a ton during hot flashes too, as I have a hard time cooling down.

  15. I think I only ever had like 2 cold showers in my life and both were when I was either extremely sunburnt or it was 40 degrees outside. If it’s neither of those two then I’m gonna have a hot shower.

  16. I know washing your hair in cold water keeps bright colors longer, but fuck it, let me simmer in my hell water and I’ll go to the salon twice more a year.

  17. Not a fan. I like my showers to feel like Hell. I enjoy ice baths though.

  18. Depends. I take cold showers or baths when I log 20+ miles in the heat over the summer.

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