To clarify, I don’t need him to entertain me during text. I’d be OK if we barely texted, it’s more an issue where I’m feeling put upon to entertain.

Just started dating this guy. In person chemistry is great. I’m not on my phone when we’re together, have a great time.

He finally stopped asking me how I slept every morning when I stated that I don’t want to share.

When he texts me it feels sometimes like “Dance monkey dance.”

He doesn’t work a full time job at the moment and it feels like he’s forgotten the day to day mundane life for us full time working folk. It’s frustrating because sometimes he’ll text me on a weekday “Still working?” Like I told you my work schedule dude.

He’ll text me multiple times during the workday what I’m up to, and my (frankly annoyed) instinct is to respond with a one word answer of “Working.” But I know that’ll come across as mean.

I hate small talk. I don’t do small talk in person, I don’t do it over text. He has told me he is insecure and he thinks that he’ll scare me off. I’m bad at helping people with their insecurities. I’m very logical. I’ve made it abundantly clear with my words in person (and when appropriate over text) that I’m very interested. I think he wants these mundane texts for security as we continue dating but I refuse to keep putting this effort into support him in this way (over text) because I already exert a lot of effort making it clear everywhere else.

God I hate texting.

  1. It honestly sounds like aren’t a good match. You could try and make it work but it sounds like more work than it needs to be. The choice is ultimately yours, but sounds like you should drop him otherwise he’ll never learn.

  2. I’m someone who does really like texting throughout the day.. for fun, sharing interesting stuff, saying hi, whatever. I consider the way I communicate with a potential or committed partner very important. If they’re annoyed with me that I want to say hi when I wake up in the morning, or share a stupid meme with them a couple hours later, and ask them how their day was that evening, I would not at all be fulfilled. I understand someone like me would annoy the hell out of you, but it probably goes both ways. I would be annoyed that my partner did not want to keep in touch with me and share the stupid little stuff.

    It’s not because I’m insecure… it’s because I like keeping in touch with the person I’m interested in, and sharing both the mundane and the awesome things in our lives. I think you are probably just not a good match. I’m sure there’s someone out there who will leave you alone and not text you a lot, and there’s someone out there for your partner who would absolutely love his texting style.

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