So, I received a screenshot of my boyfriend using a name close to his, but not quite his, on tinder.
My friend found him while swiping. It’s definitely him. She didn’t swipe on him because he’d find it suspicious, of course, and probably delete his account…but she sent it to me. I don’t know if he is talking to other women, but he is on tinder and I know it’s recent because there are photos from a vacation we took a few weeks ago. He even cropped me out of some. Am I right to be mad? Is this breakup worthy? My ex did this same thing and he never got over it, he kept doing it. So, I am hesitant to go through this again. We literally just moved in together and finished unpacking this past weekend. I also discovered he has secret instagram and twitter accounts to watch porn and post photos of himself. He hasn’t reached out to anyone directly since we started dating (unless he’s deleting convos) but I’m uncomfortable with the fact that he is sharing explicit photos of himself. I don’t mind him watching porn, but this gets too close to interaction…or am I completely unreasonable? Do we work through this or call it?
We’ve never really even had much to fight about.

  1. It’s not right for him to be on dating sites like tinder or sharing they kind of photos especially when he’s not told you. He probably has some kind of “intent” with tinder as he cropped you out of them.
    I don’t think that its fair on you to have to put up with that as to me I would say that’s cheating

  2. My ex did this the whole damn marriage. After I confronted him about it and almost left him over it multiple times.

    That marriage nearly killed me.

    Run like the wind.

  3. You are right to be mad and confront him on it. If you haven’t had a talk about boundaries, you need to sit him down and have it. Sharing explicit photos on the internet means sharing them with the world. Does he know you’ve seen them?

    If he can’t agree on what you feel are reasonable boundaries that apply to both of you, then he’s not the one you should be with.

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