I (19 F ) have been dating my boyfriend (20 M ) for about two months. It has been boring to say the least we don’t go anywhere , I just go to his place and talk or some sexual stuff . I have seen pictures of him out with a female friend, I try to understand that he doesn’t like going anywhere.one day we were texting why he liked me and he said on the first day he saw me he thought me and another girl ( Susan ) are cute but he didn’t like Susan romantically but they are friends .

Our sex life is un pleasurable it’s mundane he bare knows what he is doing and when I try to tell him how I feel in a gentle way he gets in a bad mood and acts like short or ends the conversation. Of late he has developed a habit going no contact and not caring . The first time he did it he did it for 3 days I had to call him five times before he picked up the phone he apologized later on and gave a dumb excuse.

He is nice most of the time but this relationship is nothing I love him but he keeps on doing shit that makes me doubt him . He said I love you in the talking phase , he has never gotten anything for me . He is never committed to anything we plan like matching wallpaper . If I try to point out something in the relationship he mood is ruined and he doesn’t listen he just glides over everything . He promises stuff and does nothing . He remembers everything I tell him to the last detail

TL;DR; my relationship is suffocating me and wondering if it’s salvageable

  1. You’re too young to be wasting your time with a boy that puts in 0 effort. You know what you need to do.

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