Which of your personality traits are you most proud of?

  1. I’m creative and happy, that’s the personality traits i most love about myself

  2. I’m very assertive and confident. I work in a very male-dominated field and I’m not afraid to state my opinion or speak up.

  3. My grit.

    I don’t turn away from hard things, scary things, embarrassing things. I’m not the best at doing any of them. But you can throw me in out of my depth, and I’ll tread water doing whatever mediocre thing I can forever without ever drowning.

  4. Fast learner. I taught myself java and some html basics and it made programming python in college pretty easy too

  5. empathy and compassion. fostering children. loving animals. it motivated me to help the youth. its a bit tricky in my personal life, abusers sense it but i have a guard up.

  6. I’m standing by my choice, I won’t flee from a confrontation and I will always, always be fair even if it means I will draw the shorter end of things. My honor means more than anything to me.

  7. I’m calm/meditative, confident (kinda struggling with this one lately though lol), nurturing, assertive, friendly, compassionate & I definitely think outside of the box. That translates a lot to being very open to different kinds of people and enjoying deeper conversations. I’m also not very competitive until it comes to sports/fitness, then I’m literally an athlete. But otherwise I’m more collaborative and like uplifting people.

  8. Ability to be nonjudgmental/accepting. Act with love towards other ppl idek simply bc they are ppl and for that reason we are in the same boat

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