I’m not sure if this is just an American thing but anytime someones shoeless or feet are exposed someone always says something and I just find it odd that it would even matter to anyone other than the person not wearing shoes? Why is it any different than seeing someone’s hands. And don’t say it’s a sexual thing because hands give handjobs

  1. Sandals are perfectly fine. Bare feet in public though, no. The ground is filthy.

  2. Sandals are perfectly fine. Bare feet in public though, no. The ground is filthy.

  3. Sandals are generally fine. Especially in any sort of informal situation.

    Barefeet aren’t ok in most public places (especially indoors)…thats usually just nasty. A park or a beach or something is different, obviously.

    Do you have an example OP?

  4. What are shoes? Your local Floridian..our state shoe is the flip flop. You basically need flip flops and sunglasses. Both are recommended, but not required. Because let’s be fair, anything goes in Florida.

  5. What stigma? I have never heard any sort of stigma against bare feet or sandals.

  6. Sandals are perfectly acceptable, even being shoeless is more acceptable than you’ve described.

    As to the comments, it will vary immensely with context.

  7. > someone always says something and I just find it odd that it would even matter to anyone other than the person not wearing shoes

    Well, where are we talking about? At the beach? In someone’s house? On the sidewalk? In a restaurant? The appropriateness of it varies heavily by location.

  8. Outside at a park or at the zoo, etc? Sandals are fine.

    Going to a business meeting? Nope.

    Bare feet are strictly for the beach / boating / etc. You go anywhere else, put those sandals on.

  9. >hands give handjobs

    I didn’t realize my bare feet at the beach were so darn sexual and I can’t look at my hands the same way ever again!

    But let me tell you, my handies are the best.

  10. I wear shoes outdoors because I don’t want to step on rocks, gravel, broken glass, or other various degree with my bare feet, because why the fuck would I

  11. One time my heel broke while walking home. It was the most painful walk of my life having to go barefoot and dodge hazards everywhere. Plus the sole of my foot turned black. Unless on a beach or something, walking around outside barefoot is fucking whack.

    Nobody cares about sandals, but you wouldn’t wear them in subzero weather or to a business meeting or the like.

  12. I just think it’s gross and dangerous to be bare feet going to heavily populated areas because people can be disgusting especially the floors that you walk on. Plus you could get hurt, and blood gets all over the place sometimes. Other than that no issues. Wear sandals and flip flops all you want idc

  13. The only stigma I have against going outside in sandals is it’s friggin cold

  14. People have said something to you in public because you were wearing sandals? I feel like I need more context here. Where I live half the town is in sandals all summer.

  15. The stigma is that poor people, so poor that they can’t even afford shoes, walk around outside barefoot getting themselves filthy and then have filthy homes because they walk around in the dirt.

    Why is it different than hands? Do you walk on your hands?

  16. I dunno why this even needs to be pointed out, but going around shoeless is a risk for health problems. Cuts, abrasions, broken toes, and [parasitic infections](https://archive.is/i1aT4) are all likely.

  17. Ground is gross. Feet go on the ground. Sandals are fine if context allows for them.

  18. You found something odd and commented on it here, now take that experience and apply it to the scenario you’re talking about.

  19. > And don’t say it’s a sexual thing because hands give handjobs

    Literally no one was going to say it’s sexual.

    At all.


    Something you want to get off your chest, OP?

  20. Wait until you find out that a large portion of Southern harmful stereotypes are due to back in the day them being too poor to afford shoes thus getting ringworm which affects mental development.

    Shoes protect your feet against damage and parasites, there’s no reason not to be shoeless.

  21. Going barefoot used to be associated with the spread of communal diseases. They enter the body through cuts on the feet and make it easy to spread. For example, hookworm is often acquired walking through bad soil.

  22. I like being barefooted, but it only take one time of you stepping on glass to remember why we wear shoes.

  23. Where I am we find it odd cause of how hot pavement gets, and all the ants

  24. My only explanation would be the bees. If you walk into a bee he’ll probably accept your apology but if you step on one, oh he’ll sting ya real quick.

  25. > I’m not sure if this is just an American thing but anytime someones shoeless or feet are exposed someone always says something

    In my 38 years on this planet, living in the US the entire time, the number of times I’ve heard “say something” about this:


  26. We see most sandals as inappropriate in formal or office settings. Wearing them in casual settings where it is safe to do so is fine. Being barefoot outdoors is a bad idea in some places here. We have fire ants, chiggers, fungus, bacteria, poison ivy, etc.

  27. Well for one it’s too cold to go barefoot outdoors super comfortably most of the year in a good portion of the country. Second, you’re supposed to have closed toe shoes if you’re operating a motor vehicle. Third, broken glass and bits of metal. Some places the street sweepers only come by once or twice a year. Even with sandals on, I’ve definitely gotten rocks inside my sandals, imagine that annoying pebble is a jagged piece of dirty road glass, if you will. I would question the sense of a person who would walk without shoes on in most of the circumstances I daily encounter.

    Places where and when it makes sense to shoeless (summer, a beach, a park, your own yard) I think you’d see more people doing it and no one giving it a second thought.

  28. I went to college with a guy who insisted going around barefoot.

    Even to work, it was gross. Please don’t walk around outside and bring your feet near me at a work study job. It is more about walking in disgusting things and having to be around your disgusting feet.

    The overwhelming consensus is that he was an ass.

  29. “Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me. I’m a closeted foot fetishist that has been languishing in America where going barefoot is frowned upon. I recently got the opportunity to move to MyCountry, where feet of all kinds are displayed openly all the time. It has been heaven on earth.”

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