How much hair do you lose in the shower drain each day?

  1. the drain puppies shed, not i… i refuse to believe all that comes from my head.

  2. With the amount of hair I lose while I’m the shower, I’m surprised I haven’t started balding.

  3. Not a lot… But its because I brush my hair to detangle before showering, and a lot of it comes out in my brush.

  4. I wash my hair twice, sometimes only once a week and I’m concerned every time with how much comes off my head. Like, it’s alarming. But I guess because I only wash it once or twice a week and don’t brush it dry, it makes sense. Doesn’t make it any less freaky tho !

  5. A lot. I have super fine hair, but according to my hairdresser, I have a lot of it… I like to make artwork from it on the shower wall.

  6. I’m surprised I’m not bald yet or have a bald spot on my head but my is hairline is slowly receding

  7. I brush my hair over the toilet before showering so that I can get rid of most of it beforehand. Got sick of clogging my shower and now it only happens after shaving my legs if I haven’t shaved in a long while. I HATE unclogging my shower and this works super well for me.

  8. Depends on the day. Sometimes it’s 2-3 strands, sometimes it’s enough to make me wonder if I’m going bald as a 26-year-old cis woman.

    However, I’m the person who cleans the bathroom in my house, so I try really hard to not let my long hair go down the drain. I usually catch the shed hair in my hands and wipe it on the shower wall, and then get it with a tissue or bit of TP once my hands are dry. We have a weird drain that can’t accommodate the normal kind of drain filters, so I have to be careful if I don’t want to spend an entire weekend cleaning the bathroom.

  9. Enough that I have to clean them off the drain catcher after every shower or the water wont drain for the next person. The fact I’m not balding in the slightest is astounding.

  10. If I had to guess, 10-20 hairs with my daily hair washing. I also don’t brush my hair at all outside of the shower

  11. I give my hair a thorough, vigorous brushing before I get in the shower to get rid of the loose hairs so they don’t end up in the drain.

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