We have been texting and calling for 2 years before relationship and we have been together for 2 years.
He (M24) was very cold to me (F22) at the start. Our relationship was toxic. I was too needy and he was too cold. He hurt me a lot during 6 months of relationship. Last time he told me “Oh I don’t know do I love you or not”

So, I decided yeah I am not good enough and I was aware that I am traumatized (I grew up with an abusive alcoholic father), so I went to the therapy. Whole year I have been doing it and I was explaining my feelings to my bf. The relationship has changed, now he loves me everything is great but I also changed.

Let’s say he is still most of the time cold to me, he just has his problems and he is not capable to show love, emotions and so on. If I don’t approach him, then he would ignore me whole day. So, usually I would talk to him, touch him, cook for him and so on. I was thinking that I should do more but I can’t anymore… I don’t know I feel so much hate towards him, it just irritates me that he loves me but he doesn’t really do something for me.

Also, if I want attention, he tells me that I want too much. Or if I want to have sex, he would tell me that again I want too much and yeah our sex life is very boring, literally we have sex once a week. On the other hand, there are so many features which I love in him and I know if I break up with him, he would be hurt and I don’t want it, obviously I will be very sad if we do that. I still feel I love him but at the same time I feel resentment towards him and I told him that, he told that he understands and he is sad about it but somehow we “forgot” about this conversation

TL;DR: my relationship was really toxic, I went to the therapy and things have changed and got better but I feel hate towards my bf. Now I don’t know should I break up or fight for this relationship

1 comment
  1. “I’ve wasted years on a trash relationship… should I keep wasting my time?”

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