We went on our 3rd date a week and a half ago. I thought we both had a nice evening. At the end when he walked me to my car we made out and it was getting hot and heavy and we both obviously wanted it to get more heavy, but he told me he had had to get up early the next morning because he had to travel for work and he didn’t want to just have a quickie. He said I looked phenomenal and he wanted to spend the whole night with me. He mentioned he hadn’t had sex in a year supposedly. But when I asked if he wanted to meet up this week his reply was “I have the kids all week and softball games. I’m basically not free till June. My whole May is kids, softball and travel…sorry” For context I’m 25 he’s 43 divorced. He has primary custody of his kids, he travels a lot for work. We’ve been talking for almost 2 mths. His texting since that night went downhill. I at least thought he would want to have sex first before he got cold lol but I’m confused and kinda disappointed.

  1. Are you 100% sure that he’s divorced because it’s giving married vibes

  2. it’s rare, but there are males that put their kids first. And, this also lends credibility towards him not having had sex in over a year.

    so if his kids are first, that also explains why he “went cold” or rather is focusing more time on his kids. it could also double as a “filter” to see if you’re going to stick around, or just want a fling. which again, he hasn’t had sex in over a year and wants it to mean something/last a while.

    side note, this is what most males go through when dating single moms.

  3. Yeah this feels off really bad. Sounds a lot more like someone in a relationship who sees other people on the side. Where there is a will there is a way and there are things called babysitters, can understand he cant meet you 3-4 times a week but somewhere in the month of may should be possible.

    I would recommend keeping your eyes open and look further then him

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