So there is this girl I used to work with for a few months different departments though. Everytime I would see her she would always wave hi and smile but then get we both would get shy and not say much. We went to high school together but didnt really talk.

She recently quit and got a job with my sister in a bank. They got along straight away and my sister absolutely loves her and wants me to date her. I always thought she was pretty but out of my league. My mom met her and she absolutely loves her as well all 3 of them started joking around calling eachother their in-laws. The girl seemed unbothered that my sister and mom would call her their daughter/sister in law and she would say it back to them like “hi sister-in-law”. It is weird because she keeps giving off mixed sort of signals or maybe im misinterpreting it but my sister would try to slightly set us up by teasing her about me and she would never shut it down. All she would say is “chillll” or “chillaxx” but never told my sister to stop or that she feels uncomfortable or anything. She seems like the type of girl to say so, she is very mature, honest and outgoing.

Last Monday I built up the courage to ask her out in person, I had a good excuse to go to the bank but plans didnt go well. She couldnt attend me because she was in the drivethrough part of the bank so I just slid her a note with my phone number and a funny pick up line on it before I left. Originally I was supposed to say a few things but because of the circumstances I couldnt. My sister said she showed her 2 family members there and she got all “omgsh” and all giggly but she didnt say anything to my sister. Anyways its been since Monday and its sunday and I didnt get anything. No call or text so she hasnt rejected me nor shut down anything. But then she hasnt said anything at all my sister and others have told me I should text her on snapchat to just say something like “Hey sorry for the cheesy pick up line but you have my number if you ever wanna hangout feel free to text/call me, just let me know.” Im not sure if thatll come off ass desperate or what?

TL;DR: Would I seem desperate if I text her to see whats going on?

1 comment
  1. You did pretty good letting her know you’re interested, she might want you to still initiate contact tho. Call her, if possible, keep it brief, a few minutes, and ask her out.

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