What are your opinions on people with buzz cuts?

  1. Not much: they like really short hair, are military/law enforcement, or have to wear PPE that requires a close fit are my first thoughts. Other than that, I associate it with my grandad who had a flat top buzz cut for the majority of his entire adult life.

  2. Skinny drugged out looking dude in raggedy clothes->🤤😍

    Hyper Masc military bro dudes->🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  3. Depends on the guy, but most time I prefer his hair to be a bit longer than the buzz cut phase.

  4. Do what you want with your own head, first and foremost. But my attraction to it? As long as the person has a nice shaped head, I think they’ll pull it off.

  5. To be honest I don’t really think about the way people look too much.

  6. I’ve been in the Army since 01.

    If they’re military:

    If they’re 18-21ish: they’re brand-fucking-new, and /r/justbootthings is over there

    If they’re old: you’re entirely too motivated for what we’re doing here

    If they’re old, and it’s not a complete and total buzz, but there’s either:

    a.) a whispy little tuft of hair at the front half (?) of their head

    b.) the world’s shittiest attempt at a flattop there instead

    I automatically assume you are a **massive** goober and someone who fully intends to keep everyone at work until 2030 at the earliest.

    If they’re a civilian (dude): eh whatever

    If they’re a civilian (woman): either you’re going to be one of the single chillest people ever or your politics are going to make me want to launch you into the sun just out of sheer obnoxious annoyance, no in-between

  7. I don’t like it aesthetically but I do like to rub my palm on their head but I don’t go around rubbing strangers heads lol

  8. My fiancé keeps his hair really short in the back. I just cut his hair. It’s great to run my hands over and he loves it.

  9. I don’t have one beyond that I’m a little jealous that they can use less shampoo than I do. Wear your hair however makes you happy.

  10. For some people, it’s a good look, but it’s not for everyone. It is, however, always satisfying to run your fingers through.

  11. Absolutely no opinions on this cause generally those who has that haircut does suits them that it’s hard to imagine them with hair, especially if you meet them like this.

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