What are some examples of misandry men face in everyday life?

  1. Gaslighting men about problems and issues affecting them or just the downright refusal to admit that men have their own unique problems that aren’t always caused by other men.

    Also this weird thing of associating negative traits as being inherently male and positive traits as being inherently female. You see this belief in a lot of women based subs.

    That and this weird thing of wholeheartedly and immediately believing the negative experiences of someone random woman online but immediately and viciously disbelieving the experiences of men. You can see it on this sub sometimes. There was a post a couple days ago about false rape accusations. And i kid you not, way too many women hijacked the post to say “I’ve never known a woman to make a false accusation so obviously everyone in this post is lying.”

    Women calling out bodyshaming, bigotry, and assaulters when the perpetrator is a man, but immediately making excuses when they’re a woman.

    Something that is both misogynistic and misandrist is the sudden removal of agency of women when it goes against your narrative.

    Women teachers having an obvious bias against men

  2. Well most women refuse to accept misandry is even real. So that’s a starting point.

  3. The words chorused, “All men are liars,” “all men are cheaters” “All men only want one thing” “Men are predators” “all men are stupid” and the rhetorical question in the sense that if answered adequately those answers will be deflected and / or ignored and/or used back against you “why do we even need men?” strike a painful chord sometimes, and I have to remind myself of psychological defensive projection. (Not my quotes, but words I’ve heard often, please do not take personal, this is just my attempt to honestly answer the op”s question, thank you in advance)

  4. Prostate Cancer affects Men at a comparable rate to Breast Cancer for women. Can you guess which gets substantially more funding and has more awareness?

  5. You see it all the time on social media. They discount what a man says with crap like, “says the man” or “your a cis man, shut up” or some variation of that nonsense.

  6. Not sure if this counts “Happy wife, happy life”, should be happy spouse happy house.

  7. The one point I wanna highlight is something I brought up the other day.

    Men are not viewed as victims of SA like women are. We are taking the right steps to ensure that victims of SA receive the support they need. Despite that I feel as though men don’t get the same level of support a woman may receive. Some things I’ve heard are: Men can’t be SA. He probably enjoyed it, If i was in that guys position I’d be happy.

    anyways here are some other examples:

    Men receive harsher sentences than women for the same crime.

    custody of children usually go to women

    woman of any size are beautiful, but not men (I would like to say this is changing now with people loving the dad bod).

  8. That we aren’t as good at parenting.

    That all we care about is sex

    That accuracy is just another example of manslpaining

    That responding to misandry makes us “Uncivil”.

  9. “harden up”, “man up” and other ridiculous sayings that imply men shouldn’t have feelings.

  10. That because we don’t get invested in a social or cosmetic issue and make it more complicated than it has to be, we are assumed to be stupid or oafish. To be fair I understand the sentiment it starts from, but it usually devolves into “Ugh, men are idiots” “They’re totally useless” “We don’t even need them” “They’re so stupid” which isn’t productive and does nothing to help the situation. Instead of trying to understand the man’s viewpoint and then explain their own perspective, they just assume we’re too dumb to understand.

  11. unattractive guy is automatically a creep if he’s the silent type.

    Attractive looking guy is mysterious if he’s the silent type.

    Yes, halo effect.

  12. Denying the existence of a legitimate male perspective that has nothing to do with “toxicity” but stems from inherent differences between men and women. And then proclaiming modern feminism as a movement in the service of everyone is just… I don’t know whether its delusional but welk meaning or just straightup manipulation in pursuit of domination.

    Either way denying fundamental differences in nature and proclaiming any differences based in toxicity is probably the mother of all misandrist BS

  13. In post-secondary education. It’s a ‘concern’ and a ‘problem’ when certain disciplines are dominated by men. It’s considered positive when disciplines are dominated by women however.

  14. I live in Georgia. I had some blankets I wanted to donate to a homeless shelter. Quick Google and I found a few that accept women and families. It got me wondering so I googled which shelters take single men. None. The answer was no shelters within 50 miles of me take single men. There are groups that will find you places to pay smaller amounts for, but no straight up “I just need a bed tonight” shelters.

    So social safety nets, prison sentences, conviction rates.

  15. male healthcare workers…..especially male nurses…. are expected to be at the front of the line for heavy lifting or combative patients. if they stand their ground, they are cast out by the females.

  16. Dunno about “men” in general but anytime a certain colleague blesses us with her presence, it’s somehow almost always something generalizing when my other male colleague and/or I am around. Funny thing is, the remaining colleagues are women and sometimes rip a new one on this prick for it, but she still just goes on and on and on about “mansplaining”, “such a men thing”, putting you down and making fun of you when you can, say, cook as a guy or fold clothes or clean…shit, basic chores really.

    Naturally, she either does those badly or not at all, kind of expected from people like her. I just don’t get the audacity to put others down for something those others do better than her.

    But honestly, other than that it is not too common.

  17. When women internalize all the biased & hateful gender messaging from society it’s call Internalized misogyny.

    When men internalize all the biased & hateful gender messaging from society it’s called… Toxic Masculinity.

    Internalized misogyny entered the lexicon half a century ago. The male equivalent didn’t become part of the zeitgeist until it was a useful way to paint men as a problem & not as a victim.


    Women saying Women are more emotional = Internalized misogyny

    Men saying Boys don’t cry = Toxic masculinity.

  18. Not every day obviously. But I have 3 kids and I straight up stopped going to parent teacher conferences. For a few years I just blew off that they’d act like I wasn’t even sitting right in front of them but after a while it just got really annoying so I just have my wife fill me afterwords now and don’t attend

  19. Being completely ignored and treated as if I don’t have an opinion, never being consulted on any decisions, ever.

  20. Assumptions of incompetence: Men may face assumptions that they are less competent or less skilled in certain areas simply because of their gender.

    Negative stereotypes: Men may be subjected to negative stereotypes such as being seen as aggressive, emotionally stunted, or unable to communicate effectively.

    Lack of support: Men may face a lack of support when it comes to issues such as mental health, domestic violence, and fatherhood.

    Unfair treatment in family court: Men may face biases in family court when it comes to issues such as custody and child support.

    Objectification: Men may be objectified and treated as nothing more than sexual objects, particularly in media and advertising.

  21. Thinking a man is gay if they aren’t interested in them. Because this gives those that actually are a bad rep if you’re going around thinking everyone else is based on that.

  22. Acting like misandry doesn’t exist or can’t exist is the hallmark of any misandrist I’ve encountered.

  23. The court system still favoring women in custody disputes. Some places are worse than others.

  24. If my girlfriend’s mom is chirping in her ear about how terrible I am and how I need to change, it’s motherly advice and protection. If my dad chirps in mine about how terrible she is and that she needs to change, he’s misogynistic.

  25. Men and women are apparently equal, but from the same breath men can’t get raped, men can’t get hurt, men don’t have the same emotions, men are only there to provide, only men are violent, only men are aggressors in domestic violence, women can hit men and it’s not okay to hit back, men get paid more than women and it’s not ok, men lose everything in the divorce.

    I won’t even go into the reasons why it’s all fucked up. We know why.

  26. Almost Every commercial, tv show, and movie produced in the last 5-10 years.

    The male character is usually evil, a dummy, a clown, in need of help from a woman, or such

  27. Are we including misandry micro aggressions? Like when when women assume men can’t cook, do laundry, clean, ask for directions, watch children, pick out their own clothes… well anything other than opening jars and lifting heavy things actually.

  28. My ex explained to me one time that men dying younger than women was actually an inequality for WOMEN because often they leave their partner in charge of the money/finances and they are left financially unprepared for life as a widow.

  29. “Man up!”

    You wife abused you, you dog died, your children despise you, you lost your job and you have cancer? Don’t worry, some mofo will tell you to man up and your problem will disappear!

  30. Men can sometimes be forced to pay child support for children they didn’t father.
    If this was happening to women it would have been fixed long ago.

    No one seems to care about fixing the injustices that happen to men

  31. “Small dick energy” and “short man energy” being used as descriptors for men who display unattractive/negative qualities or behaviors.

    If we started talking about loose pussy energy, dry cunt energy or fat girl energy women would *LOSE. THEIR. MINDS.*

  32. The number of times I have been looked with suspicion when walking/carrying my nephew or my besties toddler or sitting in the park alone watching them….not all men are pedophiles.

  33. When I was 12, my mom was popping anti-migraine pills, attempted suicide once, and physically assaulted me.

    After my Dad found out, he filed for divorce and moved back in with his parents (out of state).

    Despite all that she did, my mom got custody of me.

  34. Bro one of my sister’s friends straight up starts telling five girls and me how she hates men and all men suck…down with the patriarchy blah blah. And I’m literally sitting right there on the couch part of the circle.

    Another thing, I’m not saying this always happens but enough to notice, but my ass gets pinched way too much when I go out but what am I supposed to do? I ain’t gon slap the bitch

  35. My circle of friends is mostly female, and usually clearly progressive (and self-identifying as feminist).

    One day we were on a video chat with a few people, i think it was about logistics for some upcoming event. One of them was a guy who used to be fairly overweight, but trained a lot to become both slim and very muscular – though still has body issues and does not yet know how to handle the increased attention he is getting.

    Some of the women in the call saw him for the first time, and eventually started pestering to take off his shirt so they can see his chest, very aggressively. He obliged, but clearly looking uncomfortable doing so. The women chered, he put his shirt back on, and the call went on normally.

    When I next met my best friend, who was part of that call, I asked her if she thought this was okay. She didn’t know what I meant. And then also asked her to maybe flip the genders. You could see some wheels turning in her head, then an “Oh.” She ended up apologizing to him, but it was so bizarre to me that I was the only thing seeing what’s going on.

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