TL;DR Told a co-worker good news my gf wanted private.

Hey so my gf and I have been struggling financially, we work the same job in different offices. She was off for 4 days, dizzy and nauseous, went to the hospital. Low potassium and high lactic acid.

One of her co-workers with a bad reputation stopped her and said he was led to give her his tithe for his church to help out. $800.

She told me and I was excited too. I told my co-worker who also knows this guy. I said it in the spirit of wow, look how awesome. The co-worker said she was surprised because of the way this guy was, and told me some things. My gf was upset I told anyone, and accused me of saying bad things about him. She hadn’t said don’t tell anyone, but I was only telling my co-worker. Am I the a hole?

1 comment
  1. Yes. Do not share her personal business. Telling nobody actually meaning telling nobody. You are showing you cannot be trusted.

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