My boyfriend is the single biggest fan of my coochie. He’s expressed earlier that he’d still be eating me in our 70s. Also told me I shoild be thankful we aren’t living together yet, implying that he’d be eating me out every single day and that kinda freaked me out. Whenever we have sex, he’s always so enthusiastic and aggressive even for that part. And when I tell him that I don’t want him to go down on me, he gets a little sad about it.

I’m pressured by the extreme affection he’s offering from his mouth to my lady parts because it requires me to always be ready to orgasm… which is far from what I am. Don’t get me wrong, I love it that my boyfriend gives my body all the love he can give. However, between the two of us, I’m the one who need breaks between rounds because I can’t take continuous stimulation. In our sex life, I reach climax way less frequently not because my partner can’t make me orgasm multiple times (he can, he does) but because I get soooo exhausted from just one lmao

How should I approach this issue? Is my boyfriend too addicted in giving me oral sex, or is this very normal and I should level up my game? Thanks in advance.

  1. There seems to be plenty of men out there who really enjoy giving oral sex. Plus there are some men who think that they’re supposed to give you an orgasm through oral first before even attempting penetration. But I’m one of those women who don’t like receiving it. It just doesn’t do that much for me and I feel like it’s almost a burden because you don’t want to say no if they’re very enthusiastic about it, however, I feel like I’m lying there, putting on a performance as if I were really enjoying it when it’s not what I want to be doing sexually.

    And every man thinks he’s the master of cunnilingus so when you have a new sex partner and you tell them you’re not into receiving oral, they swear “oh well you haven’t had me yet.” Look, I’m not a young girl and I’ve had a good amount of lovers, I know I don’t like it. I simply cannot have an orgasm through oral sex so… after 5 minutes of it I want to move on.

    It’s awkward telling your partner that you don’t want to do something in bed, but you only have two options and those are lie or tell the truth. Truth is better. I just tell them it doesn’t do that much for me. If they really enjoy giving it that’s fine but it’s going to be for a short period of time. I say for me it’s like an appetizer, but don’t make a meal out of it.

  2. > Is it just my boyfriend or are all/most men obsessed with giving oral sex to their female partner?

    Yes! 😋

  3. I really do enjoy it and making her know her pleasure is as important as mine but also, there’s days where she isn’t feeling and and while I am sometimes a tad disappointed I go with the flow of things cause if she tells me she’s not feeling it than pushing the issue or trying anyways is gonna put her in a negative mood and making it a lot less enjoyable on her part. You bf just needs to learn that some days you’re feeling it but some you’re not and he needs to respect that. That’s just being courteous and communicating what your needs/or what you’re feeling mood wise.

  4. I LOVE pleasing my partner and everything about them. I love everything about going down on them.. their feel, taste, smell.. I love it all. Communication is everything. Tell him you’re too sensitive and need a break, maybe return the favor?

  5. Easy fix. Just be honest with the issue: “Sorry it’s not that i don’t like how much you love to eat me out but my body can’t physically handle it. I get overstimulated and at some point it hurts more than it helps me orgasm. I’m not saying i don’t like oral or that i don’t want you to do it. I just can’t handle it everyday, all the time. I hope this doesn’t get you down cause i love your enthusiasm but my body just isn’t able to keep up. (Dont apologize because there is nothing to apologize for)”.

    If he likes you he will understand and will be more respectful. If he doesnt understand then you’ll have to think about what you want.

  6. I enjoy what excites my partner. If she like to give or receive oral I will happily do so. If she does not I do not

  7. Many do some claim to but spend very little time there but want you to give head for a loooongg time and others act like it is beneath them to do so but feel entitled to receive.

  8. Some are interested in it & others are not. Just like anything else. Different people have different likes & dislikes.

  9. I love dining at the Y so long as she keeps herself fresh and shaved/trimmed. Like a fat kid eating cake nomnimnomnom nom

  10. My girlfriends have always preferred me inside them, so that’s what I do. I think sometimes it makes women self conscious having your face down there and they can’t relax as much and enjoy it. Others need it to have an orgasm. Either way you should feel comfortable expressing what you need from a partner in the bedroom, and they should be understanding of that. If not then you got other issues.

  11. Well enjoy it. He loves you. He satisfy you. When you say no. He could eat another woman coochie. Be carefull

  12. For most of us men we do it to prove that we aren’t afraid to try things out with our significant other so that or partners do not feel like we are dull and go seeking adventures with other men

  13. Many men are. They just love it. I would just tell him you don’t like the constant stimulation and you’ll let him know when you want it.

  14. So he needs to slow it down and diversify how he makes you orgasm? Use a cute sexy voice to tell him what you want and don’t take no for an answer lol, that’s my advice

  15. That never made sense to me because attending to your girls needs it just part of a relationship. My only caveat with it is if you’re going to do it, make sure it’s reciprocal and she’s showers beforehand.

  16. Eh. Many like it, many don’t. Just like any other sex thing there’s going to be a spectrum, like how some people hate giving blow jobs and others love it.

  17. Let him know you get exhausted. Most men themselves have a refactory period so he should understand.

    How’s he supposed to know if you don’t tell him.

  18. When I was dating my ex girlfriend, I went down on her every time I get a chance and she loved it. Which I love as well because I enjoyed seeing her shake. She even once told me I’m really obsess about her lady parts. Something about her sitting on my face gives me so much pleasure, sometimes even better than the sexual penetration, itself.

  19. I feel like a lot of you completely missed the point. It wasn’t the amount of sex. But the type. I swear this is the same as smoking weed and people are like “you haven’t tried the right stuff” No. B. How about you just listen to what I need. You’re not taking care of me, this isn’t a reciprocal act, this is me laying back wondering how long we have to do it before we can get to the good part but we also don’t offend the other party

  20. Humble brag. Hold on, let me find the world’s tiniest violin…

  21. Some do, some don’t.

    Each man is an individual with their own likes and dislikes, just like we are.

    I had an ex that loved going down on me, and I’d let him because I knew he got pleasure out of it even though I’ve never been big on receiving oral.

    My current partner just isn’t really one to give oral, which is fine by me because it’s just not something I’ve ever been big on.

    Nice humble brag though?

  22. I’ve definitely noticed that guys seem to be very fond of it. Whether it’s genuine or something they’ve convinced themselves that they think all women want 24/7, I dunno.

    I’m not a fan of it at all and don’t want it, this has actually been a deal breaker for some guys I was dating.

  23. I would literally pay cash money if I could get my partner to go down. It’s been three years and he hasn’t done it once.

    The one before that was seven years and he did it maybe a handful of times.

    Guys I dated previously were more into it but I have only met one man in my life as into it as your man is.

    Despite this, I see where you’re coming from. I wouldn’t enjoy feeling pressured and I’d have to communicate that.

  24. Please talk about it w him. You can’t handle the amount he’s stimulating you, that’s not gonna work but you gotta be honest! Boundaries and communication will improve the sex life

  25. Nah it’s just your man. I love it but my boyfriend rarely does it 😭 I hate it here

  26. honestly, i wish i had that problem. my boyfriend rarely ever goes down on me

  27. Just be straight with him, but sugar coat it a little. Be like” baby, I love your tounge down there and appreciate how much you want me to cum on your face., but you are just too good at it. I need time between rounds, just like you do. Please hold off on muff diving til I come sit on your face.”
    Or some thing like that.

  28. Are you actually complaining that you get too much attention as a woman?

  29. From what I hear, guys that go down on women is a rarity. Be grateful, yes, but also communicate your feelings/boundaries. He’ll understand

  30. from what it seems it’s one or the other you either really like it or you just ignore it completely.

  31. I had this issue myself once upon a time. I loved going down on my partner. We had a talk, and it allowed me to better understand what she felt. I’ve since moved on from being so focused on her lady parts, and realized that she also enjoy just a simple relaxing massage afterwards, and cuddling. Us dudes are kinda hardwired a weird way, and we need directions on things we’re unaware of.

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