I (M24) was approached by a girl while dancing at a bar this weekend while visiting some friends away from my hometown. We danced for a while and talked a bit. It was a lot of fun and she seemed really cool and had an interesting job. We talked a bit about music and seemed to have some common interests. Unfortunately I had to leave the bar with my friend and I’m kicking myself for not asking for her number before leaving.

I don’t live in the same city as her but I visit my friends there frequently and am considering moving there soon. She told me her name and where she works and it was fairly easy to find her instagram. Would it be weird for me to contact her and tell her I wish I’d asked for her number?

  1. Just be chill about it and don’t get all stupid if she’s not interested.

  2. Just be honest and say you really wanted her number! As long as you aren’t a creep, this is exactly what you should do.

  3. As a woman, I would find this flattering unless content got creepy (“I can’t stop thinking about you,” “I pictured raising kids together,” blah, blah, blah).

    If you keep your tone as light as it is in your post, it’s flattering and sweet. Just don’t mention too soon that you’re considering moving there.

    Good luck!

  4. I’m a girl and yes! Knowing someone has been thinking about you is always a compliment

  5. Go for it. Intro with “Hey I’m X from Y, I wish I had got your number when we met at Z, would you be down to meet up sometime?”

  6. Keep it nice, polite and simple. Say something along the lines of “hey I had fun talking to you, I wasn’t able to get your number but I wanted to reach out see if you’d like to keep in touch” add your own flair to that but you get the idea.

  7. Just message that you had a blast and would like to see where this goes. If she’s interested she’ll agree, if not then you move on.

  8. The dating market is so out of whack it’s got people questioning tremendous W’s.

    OP, it’s very rare to be approached by a lady – take the opportunity to reach out and see if there’s a mutual spark there. Even if it doesn’t work out, you’ll be thankful you did. 🫡

  9. Yep. Stay positive, keep it light hearted and you should be good. Alternatively you could never take any risks, be miserable, get older and become bitter. Both are solid lifestyle choices. Haha. Seriously take a risk and if it doesn’t work out then you are still better off. Good luck.

  10. Make it a light message, and only message her once. If you don’t hear from her, respect that as her not wanting to be contacted on her instagram.

    It’s like sending a letter without being told someone’s address. It can be perceived positively, but she could also feel weird about it.

    **One** message, and hope for the best. Best of luck OP!

  11. I go to a lot of concerts, and a good % of my Instagram followers are men who “saw me at XYZ show.” Most I never even talked to (so they didn’t even have my name as far as I’m concerned). I get a few DMs like that after almost every concert.

    It really doesn’t take much time or effort to find someone online these days, especially if you’ve actually met them and know their name and stuff haha. So no, nothing weird about it! Do it!

  12. Be cool about it. If she isn’t interested, then back off after initial contact

  13. Absolutely do it. I had a similar situation happen, I hit it off with a guy not local and we chatted all night about lots of things, including running and after a couple days he popped up on my Strava and asked for my number which was a massive compliment that he was interested and thinking about me a few days after we met and just had to get in touch again. After I gave him my number (hard to do Strava) we had a bit of back and forth where he told me how much he was kicking himself for not asking for my number on the night. We ended up seeing each other for a few months before things ended. He even (after a few weeks) dropped in a few “I’ve been thinking of moving to the area” comments. Dunno how serious they were but just thought I’d share a similar story. Also it kinda makes a cute story the whole “I had to find you because I felt a spark”

  14. Message her, and then instantly forget that you did it. Don’t put your life on hold waiting to see if shooting your shot worked. Instantly start moving on from it, and then if she never replies, it doesn’t matter because you’ve moved on. If she comes back saying she thinks you’re weird or that she’s not interested or whatever, it doesn’t matter because you’re already moving on anyway. You go on with your life, and there’s maybe the bonus that she responds favourably.

  15. Not at all. She’s into you and at this point women want u to make a move. Seal the deal bro

  16. i think it’d be sweet if u reached out to her on IG and let her know u got her name memorized, looked it up and completely forgot ab asking for her number since yall vibed so well. if she was interested in you i’m sure she’s also kicking herself right now for not asking for your number.

    not related but i have this same situation last weekend. i danced with a guy the whole night and we had a great time but we didn’t ask for each other’s number. i was waiting for him to since i didnt wanna seem desperate. it was very loud so i couldn’t hear what his name was. after leaving i really wish i would’ve lowered my ego and asked for his number instead.

  17. She gave you here real name for a reason, girls give fake details to alot of guys or tell them they have boyfriends to get rid so it’s a green light. I’ve been in your boat before and I’ve kicked myself too and guess what?? They’ve gotten away…. Don’t let other peoples opinions stop you.

    Say something like this…..

    “Hey Amber, I’m Derek we met at Green Bar a few days ago, my mate was abit sick, we had to leave. I spent yesterday kicking myself that I didn’t get your number. I hope you had a good night.”

  18. Go for it! She might be wondering why you didn’t ask her that night. Better you find out the truth rather than always wondering “what if?”

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