What are your in-laws truly like?

  1. My mother in law is the nicest, sweetest, good natured, compassionate, easy going person I’ve ever met. She’s a lot nicer than my mother. It makes sense that a woman like her turned out a man like my husband. Just a generous soul. My father in law has serious struggles with schizophrenia. They got married young and it didn’t emerge until after they were married a few years and had kids.

    My sister in laws are all spoiled and bratty. But they are a lot younger than me so it’s easier for me to manage them.

  2. I love them! Sadly they live in a different country so I don’t get to see them often.

    My father in law is a very independent and strong willed but very chill and laidback person. My mother in law is loud, extremely stubborn and opinionated and goes off on hilarious rants about everything. They are divorced but still best friends.

    My two sisters in law are like what I imagine my real sisters to be like if I had any. One is like her father and one is like her mother. I am close to both of them and confide in them often about my marriage. All my in laws helped me a great deal when my husband struggled with alcoholism. I am so grateful for that.

  3. They’re wonderful. I was accepted from the first second, and they treat me like they treat their children.

  4. My father in law is good. He was a more or less absent father working all the time and ignoring the needs of his sons, but he is at least a kind person in general.

    My mother in law is abusive and the meanest person I met so far. Didn’t see her since my husband cut contact to them around 3-4 years ago.

  5. They are nice people. We don’t see them often as they live at opposite sides of the country and after both far away from where we live, but they are good people overall.

  6. Lovely people. Nicer than my family and more functional too. They have us over for dinner every other week or so. Hosted our wedding, help us with snow clearing, let us and our three cats stay in their house when we had issues with our move (even though my MIL hates cats). I lucked out.

  7. I love them! I wouldn’t say I’m as comfortable around them as my actual biological parents, but I consider them to be second parents to me, and my sister in law and her husband are like bonus siblings. All of my husband’s family feels like family to me, and I sometimes forget whose side of the family some of the cousins/aunts/uncles are on.

  8. Mother in law is the most gentle person I’ve ever met, super calm, no anger issues, always wants the best for everyone especially her kids.
    Father in law absolutely adores me but he can clash heads with the fiancé. They have more deep rooted issues that doesn’t affect the way he treats me though.
    I have major anger issues and his whole side of the family always find ways to calm me down, it’s refreshing.

  9. They’re great people and I love them very much. Had a couple bumps in the road awhile back but I think that conflict has made it so we understand each other and treat each other with respect so I don’t regret it and I’m glad for what it’s done for us

  10. My ex mother in law was one of my all-time favorite people. She was kind, welcoming, and generous. She was there for me when my own mother wasn’t. My current mother in law is much the same. Ex father in law was selfish and controlling, and the current one is selfish and irresponsible.

  11. They are incredible and I am very lucky. Two weeks after my recent wedding my father-in-law was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He’s currently in his last days and I’m really really sad about it.

  12. They are amazing in every way. I didn’t think they would accept me but they did and they have shown me support, generosity, kindness, sincerity and no-masks communication. They raised the man who is my best friend and best life partner on this planet. Plus their sense of humor is awesome. I feel that we all click organically.

  13. Complicated. It’s clear that they don’t consider me a part of the family and are quick to close ranks at any sign of turbulence. I spend months trying get back into their good graces after they’ve taken personal offense to my marital issues.

  14. My MIL is very unstable and mentally ill, but beyond that, she’s extremely selfish and self-involved, and literally never thinks of anyone but herself. She’s hard to be around because she expects SO much and gives you hell if you don’t give it to her.

    My FIL is nice and quiet but kind of goes with the flow and gives into his partners too much, and that led to my husband being homeless as a teenager which caused a lot of resentment on my part. He could definitely show more initiative in his relationship with my husband.

  15. My MiL is a delusional, racist, self-centered woman who sees herself as a savior who knows everything. Her and my husband have had a strained relationship his entire life.

    My FiL is kind, easy going, helpful & funny. Many of my husband’s best traits clearly come from his influence. He lives with us. Which means my MiL won’t visit because she hates him. Which is just the cherry on top

  16. They are the sweetest. Unfortunately it’s only my FIL left, my MIL died a few years ago. We live in the same village now and to keep his father slipping into isolation (what happened after his first wife died), he comes to us twice a week for dinner. One of those times we also always watch an movie together. Another day in the week he has dinner with his other son and his wife. He helps us with little things, whatever his health allows.

  17. My MIL threw my husband out of home when he was a teenager… he hasn’t seen her since, and I’ve never met her.

    My FIL is *very* judgmental about pretty much every thing I do lol including the fact we don’t have kids, my choice of career, my weight, the books I read and the music I listen to.

    My step-MIL is really nice.

  18. I only have a father in law, unfortunately my mother in law passed years ago.

    FIL is … something. He relies on his son for literally everything, never expresses gratitude, and never attempts to take a portion of the load off his plate. He offers his opinions when we haven’t asked. He was a terrible father but has seemingly forgotten it and routinely rewrites the past. He tells me stories of when his wife (gone for at least 12 years) annoyed him. He’s watched me through the windows, comments on things he overhears us saying.

    Basically I’m at my wit’s end.

  19. Very different and, at times even unrelatable, but they were good, kind people that always had our back. I don’t miss him at all but I do miss them. I loved that they had my back after his indiscretions and supported me 100%.

  20. Not evil or abusive but incredibly entitled and think they can control the entire world just by talking

  21. My FIL is an eccentric dude that has made several highly questionable life choices during my husband’s upbringing. BUT, my FIL has also done well for himself financially, and is a relatively sane person.

    My MIL is a financial leech, and has been for 35+ years, which is longer than I’ve been alive and on this planet. She’s the epitome of “woe is me”, she makes ***endless*** excuses for EVERYTHING, and everything is someone or something else’s fault, she has or takes absolutely ***zero*** responsibility or accountability for herself. There’s no introspection, no motivation to change her circumstances, no ambition, no “what can I do to help myself” type of thinking, etc. It’s absolutely ***infuriating***.

  22. My MIL is one of the best people I know. Caring, fun to talk to, generally great. Sisters in law are odd but mostly mean well. FIL was a horrid person but passed before we were married. I like my in-laws significantly more than my husband’s.

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