What would you do if you found out that you had forgotten a friend’s birthday?

  1. Everyone I knows know I don’t care about birthdays, so nothing. Unless I knew that this friend in particular viewed their birthday as something important: Then I’d shoot them a text apologising for forgetting, wishing them a happy birthday and asking if they had a good day.

  2. I forget birthdays all the time. Depending on if there was a party you were supposed to attend or if you just forgot to call or send a WhatsApp, card you need to do different things.

    My birthday greetings always start out with “I just noticed that I’ve totally missed your birthday. I am sooo sorry… jada jada”

    If you were invited and did not show up it’s a different thing. If a present was expected even more. I don’t do parties and presents so I have no input on this one.

  3. Apologise, then get them a gift, and put it in my calendar so I don’t forget next year.

  4. Depends on the friend and how close we are to each other. Not close you get a card at best with a happy belated birthday written on it. If we are close I may appoligize say the time got away from me and I’m sorry and I’d get them a gift or I’d take them out to eat to make up for my mistake.

  5. If it was a loong time ago, I’ll probably wait to see if they remember mine, if they do i apologize to them like “I’m sorry i feel bad…”. This just because they’re probably didn’t really care about it.
    If it was recently I’ll talk to them asap, apologize and tell them happy bd.

  6. Tell them he happy belated and give them a late gift and apologize

  7. Id say I know I’m late, I’m so sorry. I still want wish you a very happy b-day and _______. Or something along those lines.

  8. Say Happy Belated Birthday!!!

    My friends and I don’t do anything for birthdays

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