I’m thinking names like Paul Daniels, Eddie Large, Syd Little, Jim Davidson, grim old celebs from the 70s, 80s, 90s, maybe 00s. Main criteria is that it came out before the 2010s, isn’t available on ebook and you can only buy second hand physical copies. The grottier stories in it the better. It’s for a thing. Cheers!

  1. Sex Dungeon enthusiast/Breakfast Time presenter Frank Bough has a tricky-to-find autobiography called Cue Frank.

  2. Although he comes from a dodgy televisual era, Paul Daniels is actually relatively clean. He may have said that he’d leave the country if Tony Blair got in (he didnt) and made some quote about Koreans all looking the same, but he escaped Yewtree. He was married for nearly 30 years and his wife seems very enamoured with him.

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