I am weird, always have been, never had any friends, only people that were friendly. Never had any friends growing up and fell into the “gaming hole” spending most of my youth playing video games on my PC … which in turn now has me lacking critical social skills.
Now that I am studying I thought it got better, I thought I started being more social and outgoing, trying to take part in social activities like going to the gym or public pub crawls to get to know people … but still best I can get is friendly, not really friends. I never get texted and if I text someone to hang out I might get an answer 2-3 days later with a “no”, so there is no way to really develop a friendship. I obviously never get invited to hang or to party, maybe some times I overhear people talking and if I ask to join they seem happy to include me, but if I ask them to give me a heads up when they are going out next, for me to maybe join, I will never get a call … and let’s be honest I can’t rely on maybe overhearing people in the hopes they won’t exclude me as a substitute for friendship.

So here I am not knowing how to proceed, increasingly lonely, feeling left out and so isolated… I just don’t want to be so alone anymore.
How do I fix this? What path can I take to learn how to be more normal, or if normal doesn’t exist more likeable?

  1. Just try your best socially, you’re going to have to leave your comforts zone and work on conversational skills. It’s about finding the right people though Im my opinion

  2. Have you tried making friends specifically around your hobbies or interests, such as joining a Meetup related to gaming? In my experience, the best way to stop feeling like the weird person is to find people who are “weird” in similar ways as you.

  3. One rule of life if you try to desperately chase out for peeps to hang out with you it won’t work, people will ignore you simply because you are too available.

    Secondly don’t go for the numbers, find one or two person who is most compatible with you and stick with them

    Sticking with them is the key to have deep friendship

    I had a similar position as yours I was chasing and trying to fit in different groups to make my ego satisfy for social acceptance

    But later when I stopped doing that I got 3 people I close with before I even realize I became too close with them spending hours hours doing randumb stuff

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