Men, when was the last time you were skin-to-skin with someone?

  1. What is skin-to-skin? If it’s just any physical touch the last time was Friday last week

  2. If dancing counts than 2 years ago, if it doesn’t than 10+ years ago lol.

  3. Never, and I’m 31. I kind of feel hopeless and I’ve missed out on so much when I didn’t need to, but just don’t know how to start now. I thought, right, I’ll concentrate on work, get really successful, then I can finally do other stuff. Done that, don’t do other stuff.

    People say there’s more to life than women, but I think that’s only true if you have been with women.

  4. Guess it depends on what you’re getting at. If you mean sex then the answer is last night. If you mean just skin to skin contact then this morning.

  5. Long enough that its hard to recall… Few sad/uninteresting/unfulfilling hookups after my ex and its been high and dry ever since. I was never smooth or clever and was a late bloomer, I was into other things in HS and had almost no physical experiences with my dates. Being prude and preferring emotional connections is definitely not the meta for “success”.

  6. Guess it depends on what you’re getting at. If you mean sex then the answer is last night. If you mean just skin to skin contact then this morning.

  7. At least once a week. My wife and I have an active sex life that has gone everywhere between 7 and 1 time a week over our nearly 20 year marriage. Just depends on health, stress, busyness, etc. Gaps of more than a week have usually been due to medical issues, like recovery time after pregnancy, Covid, etc. On occasion we have even just cuddled naked without having sex. But that’s somewhat rare. That usually ends up getting us in the mood even if it wasn’t part of the original plan.

  8. I mean, if you’re talking about romantic/sexual skinship been about 3 years.

    If you’re talking about just in general skin contact been a couple days.

  9. What counts?

    If we’re just talking holding hands or something, then about five minutes ago with my daughter.

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