How can I even bring this up? I feel like this is such an awkward conversation to have, but if he keeps kissing me the way he is, I can’t keep seeing him.

I do not want to hurt his feelings. How can I go about talking to him about this in a productive manner? What would you say to someone you were dating if you wanted to keep seeing them but hated the way they kiss?

Is this something that I can give him feedback on?

  1. Practice and tell him what’s wrong. If he’s willing to learn, it should work.

  2. As I often say, it’s time for a hail mary…

    The next time you’re about to get hot and heavy with him, try expressing your kissing preferences to in a playful and flirtatious manner. Offer him compliments and clear guidance on how you like it best. If he falls back into poor kissing habits, don’t hesitate to give him a gentle smack and show him the right way. Take control of the situation and help him improve. Dominate him, he clearly needs it. This will benefit both of you in the long run.

  3. What specifically is he doing that you dislike? Can you tell him how you like it/how you want to be kissed?

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