Question…when should you reveal that you have kids when your dating? Plus on dating apps when should you tell someone?
Should you tell them when it’s getting serious or right in the beginning ?
I’m pretty young but I have kids and getting back into the dating work after leaving their father but I feel like I don’t know how to date nowadays

Edit: Thanks everyone ! I decided I will put them in my bio so I can cut out the people that don’t want to deal with a single mom.

  1. Children and the desire for them let alone the issues related to step parenting I think you need to up front and yes that means a smaller pool of possible dates but far better than wasting your time and theirs.

    I am of course referring to dating as in seeking a long term or life partner. If you are looking for a hookup children should not matter because they should never be seen or introduced. Your causal sex life if any, should be secret from your kids.

  2. I say honesty is the best policy when it comes to dating and having a child. I suggest not introducing your young child to guys you are casually dating until you are in a more committed type of relationship or you feel comfortable introducing your children to them.

  3. Put it in your bio. Then within the first few questions you ask each other should be “how do you feel about kids? I have a kid(s) and want/ don’t want more in the future. How about you?”.

  4. This should be in your bio. Or at very least before first meet up. Anything else is dishonest and unfair to the other person.

  5. Before you even meet so as to not waste each other’s time. Kids are a major deal breaker for many people.

  6. I have to tell right away there’s no way for me to get around it 🤣

  7. It should be clearly on your profile, and if you’re dating it should be disclosed early in the first date.

  8. It should be in your profile or disclosed very, very early on in messaging. If someone isn’t cool with kids, don’t waste their time by talking to them for days or weeks before disclosing it. The earlier the better.

  9. As early as possible.

    Kids can be a deal breaker for some, better save time from the get go.

  10. I bring it up first conversation.. I keep it out of my bio out of safety concerns

  11. Before you go on a date.most man don’t date women with kids so you could save time.all the best

  12. This should be in your bio, if you don’t feel safe having that super public in case of creeps, it should be one of the first chat topics after the greetings.

  13. Agree about it being known upfront. It’s a big thing and it’ll help you find someone who is down with that.

  14. Are u not proud of your kids? If you have to hide the fact you have children from someone they may not be the ideal person for you to date

  15. I am just getting my feet wet in the dating market, but right away as me (41M), have 6 and with 50/50 custody! 😁
    So far have gotten decent matches and dates!

  16. I always include it as part of my profile because 1. It weeds out people who prefer not to date people with kids 2. It saves me the heartache of being rejected when they find out 3. It feels misleading not to. I share my daughter half time with her dad so I just put a little quick “halftime mom to a human girl and full time mom to a lab pup” it also helps indicate I’m not looking for a father for my daughter and yes I have free time.

    I can’t stand when guys don’t have it in their profile. It really bugs me when I find out later bc again, it’s misleading, what are you hiding, are you not proud to be a father? How could I respect you after omitting that HUGE part of your life.

  17. That should be first date type of convo “getting to know someone” is what we called it bac in the day 😆

  18. From the moment we start talking. When you’re telling about yourself

  19. Before the first date. Honestly, the minute conversation starts.

    Kids are a deal breaker to me. I won’t date someone with them. I’d be super bummed out to enjoy a few dates and connect with someone only to find out they have a line I won’t cross.

  20. Immediately , before even meeting if possible . It’s very important for them to know , kids especially not your own are not in most people’s plans .

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