have you slept with someone that you considered your dream man / dream woman physically?

Because personally yes and I feel like it makes the sex 1000x better and i can’t explain why, even though it makes sense.

Do you have experiences to share about that ?

  1. Yes! She’s my first so I have nobody to compare the sex to but I think it’s amazing! Also the cuddles afterwards haha

  2. Current partner and it’s fucking mind blowing. He’s the absolute hottest man imo. We communicate about everything, there’s safety in every act, trust, and willingness to explore things neither of us had ever considered before. And while the sex is amazing, the emotional connection is even more superior. I’m 45 and never thought about having my way with a man as much as him. He has a pleasure kink, and I honestly feel
    Like I won the lottery. He never rushes, no transactional sex, my pleasure is absolutely his biggest turn on. I felt selfish at first, but his consistency has proven that his intentions are pure and all about the pleasure of the moment. I find myself craving him at all times, from the sex, to just the way he caresses my face when we kiss. I love when the sex is crazy hot, yet we lock eyes and grasp hands as we get to experience every second together.

    My son is disabled and has neurosurgery Monday. My sweet man went to Costco and got all my favorite foods, adjusted the jacuzzi so it’s ready every night. He ordered special sheets and blankets because I sleep hot. All of this makes the sex stratospheric because he takes time elsewhere.

    Everyone deserves this. At 45 with bad relationships in my history, this is what I’ve waited and prayed for. Seriously, I am incredibly grateful.

    ETA: I’m buzzed, forgive the grammar and spelling, hahaha! That $5 Costco Pinto is AMAZEBALLS!!

  3. Yup, and I put a ring on her finger.

    We openly discuss our life’s, our passions, our desires, our pasts, our futures, our goals, our feelings, our everything.

    She is the best thing that could have even happened to me, and she’s a complete bombshell.

  4. Before meeting him; if you had asked me my type, I would have said that I dont have one as long as they can make me laugh and are emotionally available.

    This man is not someone that would catch everyone’s eye. He doesn’t have anything that would have a majority of women agreeing that this is guy is HOT.

    But to me, he is perfect. I find everything about him to be insanely attractive.

    I literally do not even see his self-declared “imperfections”, things he feels insecure about with his looks. I don’t see parts, I only see his whole. And I love him more then I thought was possible to love someone.

    When we are able to be together (long distance), the way he makes me feel… well it is indescribable. I find him so attractive that literally everything he does turns me on. The best way I could describe it, would be to say it feels like I am taking some sort of mind-blowing drugs. The next day I even find it hard to recall details, as if I had had too much to drink. During our love-making I feel hazy. Swirly. And I cannot concentrate on anything, cannot be bothered to have coherent thoughts. He has told me that I mumble things like “What are you doing to me??”

    I do not think that everyone would find him to be this like crazy, amazing lover… I think that my love for him is just unconditional and complete. In turn, being able to connect with him satisfies me in ways I did not think was possible.

  5. My latest partner has the hottest body I’ve ever seen naked. You can see the thread I started to see how that went, LOL.

  6. Yep. My wife .

    Been married about 30 years. Mid 50s now and she still blows my mind. It’s not just me, both our daughter’s say all their friends guy and girls say how good looking she is ha. Yay.

    I met her in high school. I was in all the dumb classes and she is the smart ones. We dated for a short time but I was wild and silly.

    After school we drifted apart. Until her dad died and she called me going back through old people she knew.

    We would go for walks on the beach and just talk. Later I learnt how much she wanted me to hold her hand but I had no idea. Like why would a really hot smart chick be interested in me.

    She almost had to throw herself at me. Haha.

    I still wake up most days and pinch myself. She gets straight out of bed and looks hot. I’ve never seen her with bad hair.

    When she walks into the room I can feel my heart skipping a beat.

    Gotta go now and give her a kiss n cuddle.

  7. Yes, it was a fling. He was hot as fuck. However, I need an emotional connection to feel save and to let myself go. So the sex honestly was not good.

  8. I’ve slept with a girl who for me was a 10 physically, but a 2 in personality. Besides the intimate part, there was no other connection. Not a slouch myself, I wouldn’t stay with someone who’s a 10 physically but lacks in all other areas

  9. Yes. The sex wasn’t better because they were hot. It was better because they were just better in bed. My ex was a 10 to me and he was literally molded to please me since I was his first partner. I taught him exactly how to pleasure me exactly how I like. No bad habits to break just a clean slate to imprint on.

  10. Yes, I have. She was not very responsive, so not the best sex I’ve ever had, but definitely the most stimulating, mentally. Like the *idea* of being naked with her and that she wanted to have sex with me was just so unbelievably hot.

  11. I had sex so good with this chick. So confident I would never fall in love with this hoe. I never have felt so addicted to anything and I never saw the darkest places of my soul until we went down the rabbit hole together a It took everything I had to break myself away. The best sex I ever had and something I never want to experience again. I went abstinent after her. I saw my shadow and I never want to see that side of me again.

  12. I have had sex with physically attractive 10/10, and whom had a big dick. Altbough the attraction was there, sex was subpar at best cause those dudes sucked emotionally and selfish af. Now I’m with my current boyfriend whom alot of people wouldn’t find conventionally attractive but having both physical/emotional connection mixed with love for the first time in my life, holy fuck the sex is amazing.

  13. He was physically 100% what I’d consider my dream guy- face and body wise. Although he wasn’t the best in bed compared to others, his looks made the sex better for me for sure

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